Slipped Disc Treatment That Fixes & Repairs Damaged Tissues.
CSC provides the best-slipped disc treatment that fixes and repairs damaged spinal tissues through advanced methods and breakthrough therapy technology. Recover from slipped discs without injections or surgery; contact one of our centers today.
Can A “Slipped Disc” Be Helped Non-Surgically?
It is possible to fix, reverse, and cure slipped disc pain without surgery or injection. New and innovative therapy devices have made it possible to fix or repair a slipped discs non-surgically. Breakthrough devices such as the RxDecom®, high-Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT), extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT), and flexion-distraction therapy are excellent physiotherapy and chiropractic technologies for slipped disc treatment. A Non-surgical alternative to slipped disc needs customization, specificity, and a specialized set of skills.
However, non-surgical recovery requires treatments through an advanced methodology that combines chiropractic, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation. Chiropractic and physiotherapy treatments must be specific for slipped discs, customized and comprehensive.
Slipped Disc Is Fixable & Repairable Without Surgery Or Injections!
TRUE is TRUE; a slipped disc or slipped disk can be fixed and even reversed through our integrative treatments backed by advanced technology. In addition, our methods of non-surgical slipped disc treatment and repair can help you recover faster. We have shocked hospitals, surgeons, chiropractors, and physiotherapists alike with our successes!
So, before you opt for that surgical intervention, visit us and discover alternatives that your surgeon forgot to mention. Chiropractic Specialty Center’s methods work because they are collaborative, targeted, and improved through non-surgical treatment technology specific for a slipped disc. In short, spinal disc bulges, herniations, protrusions, prolapses, and extrusions do not require surgery. Not if you opt for our conservative slipped disc treatment.
To recover from a slipped disc, you need focused multidisciplinary care enriched with breakthrough spine technology. RxDecom® (spinal decompression therapy), FD-3000™, and shockwave therapy are amongst the best therapy devices for slipped discs. To enhance the effectiveness of these therapy devices, you will need focused multidisciplinary treatments from clinical physiotherapy combined with corrective chiropractic treatments in Malaysia.
Chiropractic Specialty Center® is the only center that provides interdisciplinary slipped disc treatments through the RxDecom®. Our success in fixing and repairing a slipped disc without surgery or injections are well known. We have proven methods of neck and back pain treatment for the slip-disc. In addition, our proven methods of spine care that reverses a slipped disc are a testament to our clinical superiority. But, before getting into the details of how we can fix a slipped disc, let’s first look at what causes a slip-disc (slipped disk or slipped disc).
What Causes A Bulging, Herniated, Or Protruded Disk?
A slipped disk is the most common condition in the lumbar spine (lower back) or the neck (cervical spine). Intervertebral disc damage and protrusions in the cervical and lumbar spine result from neglecting minor lumbar or cervical spine conditions. Spinal discs are resilient and, as such, are not easily damaged. But, poor posture, repetitive bending, or twisting at the waist has long-lasting impacts on the spine.
For example, poor posture, prolonged sitting, and excessive bending or twisting can lead to ligament and muscle weakness. Muscle weakness occurs in the initial stages and is followed by weakness in ligaments. Once muscle weakness and ligament weakness are present, the joints and disks are under stress. The cumulative impact of additional stresses is the main factor for the development of disk herniation. Patients with a disk herniated often refer to their condition as a slipped disc or slipped disk.
First things first, the term slipped disc or a disk herniated is a layperson’s term. We use it for the sake of simplicity. But, realistically speaking, spinal discs do not slip; they bulge, herniate, protrude, rapture, extrude, and fragment. The term slipped disc or slip disc is loosely used to classify all spinal disc issues into one. The medical profession has designated specific words to describe the different types of spinal disc disorders. We have provided a basic definition that a medical professional uses in their descriptions of spinal disc damage below:
Degenerated Spinal Disc (Desiccated or Desiccation) Is The Initial Stage Of Damage & The Leading Factor In Developing A Slipped Disc
A degenerated disc, also called a desiccated disc, degenerative disc disease, or DDD, is descriptive of the degenerative changes that impact a healthy spinal disc. Nowadays, spinal discs degenerate earlier than they did a decade ago. Researchers are reporting disc degeneration in kids as young as nine years old. Spinal discs degenerate because of our sedentary lifestyles and prolonged sitting. In basic terms, a degenerated disc has lost fluid content. The long-term impact of DDD is a disc bulge or disc herniation (slipped disc).
Degenerative changes are part of life. In other words, we all degenerate. So, some degenerative changes are normal. But, degenerative changes early in life will lead to health issues later. For example, spinal disc degeneration in persons under the age of 45 is not normal. Individuals with early-onset disc degeneration in their spine are predisposed to developing serious spine issues. So, let’s look at the long-term impacts of when discs degenerate.
Disc hydration and proper fluid content are needed to prevent discs from degenerative changes. Sedentary lifestyles lead to prolonged sitting and muscle weakness. Prolonged sitting increases the pressure within the spinal disc. The increased pressure expels water and other needed nutrients that the disc depends on repairs and maintenance. So, if you have a sedentary lifestyle or sit for prolonged periods, your discs degenerate at a faster pace, and your predisposition to the development of a bulging or herniated disc becomes a certainty.
What Is Bulging Disc & Should You Be Worried?
A disc bulge occurs when the spinal disc in the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spine is weak or dehydrated (degenerated or desiccated). A disc bulge is a swelled disc whose fibers extend beyond the assigned or healthy boundaries. Medical professionals have used the term disc bulge interchangeably to denote a disc herniation or prolapse (protrusions or ruptures). Clinically speaking, a disc bulge is a condition where the outer ring fibers of a disc swell or become inflamed slightly, hence the term disc bulge. In other words, these are slight engorgements. But significant enough to warrant care.
A neglected disc bulge can rapidly progress to the more critical spine condition: a herniated disc, extruded disc, or a fragmented disc. Take our advice and fix these issues before limiting your life to the point where you require spine surgery. To avid progression, opt for conservative slipped disc treatment through NSD Therapy®. Our non-surgical treatment of slipped discs, as provided through the NSD Therapy® protocols, has helped thousands of bulging disc patients.
To conclude, a disc bulge does not compress nerve roots or nerve roots. Once the disc bulge extends too far and compresses a nerve root or contacts the spinal cord, it is classified as a herniated disc, protruded disc, or prolapsed disc. NSD Therapy® is the best non-surgical method of repairing spinal disc damage, including disc bulges, disc herniations (disk herniated or disk herniation), disc extrusions, and even effective for partially fragmented discs. The goal of NSD Therapy® is to prevent and reverse nerve compression without spine surgery.
What Is The Best Slipped Disc Treatment Option For A Disc Bulge or a Herniated Disc (Protruded, Prolapsed, Or Ruptured)?
The term slipped disc is the best layperson’s description of a herniated disc. As mentioned earlier, a disc bulge is a condition where the outer fibers bulge or swell. But, in a herniated disc, the inner and outer fibers protrude, rapture, or herniate through. Therefore, a herniated disc is a significantly more critical spine issue than a disc bulge or disc herniation.
But, before you can herniate a disc, there must be some degenerative changes. Also, those diagnosed with a herniated disc are often the ones that neglected a disc bulge. So, once again, we advise everyone with degenerated discs or bulging discs to opt for our targeted conservative slipped disc treatment to prevent progression.
A disk herniated (herniated disc) can be mild, moderate, or severe. It always compresses nerve roots. Moderate and severe cases compress nerve roots and the spinal cord. Compression of spinal nerves, nerve roots, or spinal cord for an extended period leads to damage and even disability. Therefore, the need for effective conservative treatment options is paramount to successful clinical outcomes.
A herniated disc treatment differs from the general care provided for the common neck pain or back pain patient. Many centers offer chiropractic or physiotherapy procedures that do little to retract the herniated inner fibers (nucleus pulposus) or other fibers (annulus fibrosis). While chiropractic and physiotherapy or physical therapy can reduce pain, they cannot retract a herniated nucleus pulposus.
We treat herniated disc patients (slipped disc) through chiropractic and physical therapy (physiotherapy). But, we enhance each session through spine-specific technology such as the RxDecom®. The RxDecom® is the primary therapeutic modality used in treatments of herniated discs. As rendered through the RxDecom®, spinal decompression therapy can retract and repair spinal disc damage better than chiropractic and physiotherapy alone.
What Is An Extruded Disc?
An extruded disc is a more critical form of disc herniation. Let’s recap a bit. A bulging disc was one where the outer fibers (annulus fibrosus) bulged or swollen. And we defined a herniated disc as one where the inner fibers and the outer fibers are forced beyond the normal limits. In other words, in a herniated disc, the nucleus pulposus and the annulus fibrosis were forced out of their normal boundaries. Well, an extruded disc is the continuation or progression of a disc herniation. Neglect or improper care of a bulging disc or a herniated disc can become an extruded disc.
Although the surgeon recommends immediate spine surgery for extruded disc patients, conservative therapy can help. CSC has helped hundreds recover from extruded discs without surgery or injections. For non-surgical spine and slipped disc treatment to help, they must be targeted and comprehensive. Herniated discs, extruded discs, and fragmented discs cannot be repaired or reversed by the typical chiropractic or physiotherapy session you can get in hospitals or clinics. Spinal decompression therapy, coupled with clinical physical therapy (physiotherapy) and chiropractic, can help.
But, even then, some differences can impede recovery. For example, most advertise spinal decompression therapy use traction, and some chiropractors treat spinal disc patients through aggressive chiropractic adjustments. Also, many physiotherapists prescribe or perform ineffective therapies or aggressive exercise sessions for spinal disc patients.
So, it is not just the type of care you get. Hence, do your homework and chose the best center or clinic for non-invasive slipped disc treatment. Assess and learn about their successes, proven results, skills, and knowledge before opting for their recommended sessions. An extruded disc requires precision, and failures to target the extruded disc comprehensively will result in a fragmented spinal disc.
What Is A Fragmented Disc & Is It Repairable Without Surgery?
A fragmented disc is the most severe form of a slipped disk. Patients that have this condition have had spinal disc issues for years or even decades. Often, they are the ones who have higher pain tolerances or those that did not have symptoms with milder spinal disc issues. So yes, you can have a slipped disc and not hurt at all. Pain is a warning sign, but often it is missing. Good examples are patients with heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or high blood pressure, who don’t have much or any symptoms in the initial stages.
Fragmented discs are classified as either partially fragmented or fully fragmented. The term fragment denotes the chipping of portions of the spinal disc material as it pertains to a spinal disc. The chipped-off portions become a free-floater in the spinal canal and pose immediate risks of losing bowel and bladder functions. Additionally, it can cause severe nerve damage. Prolonged nerve compression or compression of the spinal cord will lead to degenerative changes within the nerve root or spinal cord. These degenerative changes can lead to paralysis.
For the fully fragmented disc, surgery is required. Unfortunately, no effective conservative therapy methods can repair a disc once it has chipped off. However, we have had some successes with our non-invasive slipped disc treatments of a fragmented disc that was partially fragmented.
Are Steroidal Injections Helpful?
Steroidal Injections are an absolute waste of time. It can be more damaging and harmful! Patients that opt for steroidal injections, as opposed to conservative treatment, are eventually sent for spine surgery. So, if you are not keen on spine operations, avoid steroidal injections altogether!
A recent study published in the Journal of Radiology reported steroidal injection as extremely harmful. The authors advised patients and doctors to refrain from steroid injections (corticosteroid injections and epidural injections). Their reason, it harms more than it helps! Harms included fractures, osteoporosis, death of cartilage, and tissues that surround joints. Also, it causes bone death, severe arthritis, and disability. So the published research was critical of the infamous epidural and steroid injections that CNN news issued a public warning. Read this report as published in the Journal of Radiology.
Can Anti-Inflammatory Medications Repair The Spine?
Anti-inflammatory medication can help reduce swelling and pain relief. But, it fails to fix the damage. However, there are times that anti-inflammatory medication can be helpful when combined with targeted, effective conservative therapy. Therefore, we are not opposed to anti-inflammatory medication, as they can be helpful in the initial stages of slipped disc treatment.
However, we are opposed to taking anti-inflammatory medication on a long-term basis. In other words, you may be fine for one or two weeks, but that should be all. On the other hand, if you find the need to take them regularly, something is wrong. Perhaps the care you are getting is not as effective, or that you have failed to adhere to your doctor’s recommendations.
The thing you should always keep in mind is that medication and injections can harm you. The harmful impacts and complications associated with steroidal injections are so severe that you should avoid them altogether. Anytime a needle gets inserted into the spinal column, you run risks of getting infections, damaging the spinal cord or spinal nerve roots causing (Tarlov Cyst). Another complication of steroidal injections is CSF or Cerebral Spinal Fluid leakage. CSF leakage can be life-threatening. Take our advice and opt for conservative measures for pain relief and repair of the damage from within.
How To Fix A Damaged Spine?
The best neck and back pain treatment in Malaysia is through our integrated spine and slipped treatments enriched with advanced technology!
You can now fix bulging disc, herniated disc, and extruded disc through slipped disc treatment programs at Chiropractic Specialty Center®. Contrary to the common belief, a protruded/prolapsed disc (slipped disc or slipped disc) is repairable and reversible without spine surgery. Instead, our chiropractors and physiotherapist treat spinal discs with specialized spine technology. The term Slipped Disc, medically known as a “bulging disc” or a “herniated disc,” is a condition where spinal disc fibers and the nucleus pulposus protrude or rupture, compressing nerve root or nerve roots.
The best advice we can give is to call us and schedule a thorough physical examination with one of our clinical chiropractors today. If your condition has progressed to a point where you require surgery, we will inform you without delay. However, in over 95% of cases we have assessed, surgery was not needed. That is if you opt for NSD Therapy®.
A herniated to protruded disc is serious as it can lead to paralysis. In severe cases, it may also compress the spinal cord. The best means of treating a ruptured or protruded nucleus pulposus is through non-invasive methods of NSD Therapy®. NSD Therapy® provides the best slipped disc treatment option that repairs spinal disc damage from within. The therapy is provided through the collaborative efforts of Chiropractors and Physical Therapists, using highly advanced spine-specific therapy devices. Spine Surgery is NOT Your Only
Spine Surgery is not your only option. Our proven spinal disc treatment programs can help, even if your surgeon recommends spine surgery!
We are the only center in Malaysia that has reversed severe slipped discs (extruded disc and partially fragmented disc). Our proven methods of slipped disc treatment are second to none in Malaysia. Our specialized physiotherapy, clinical chiropractic, and technology systems make it possible for us to repair your slipped disc within a few short weeks. Best of all, our treatment systems can also improve the muscle weakness that caused disk damage in the first place.
The care you get from us is highly accurate for a slipped disc. Our collaborative treatments and advanced spinal devices enable our teams to get your damaged spinal disc. RxDecom® is a state-of-the-art therapy device specific to a slipped disk. The RxDecom provides the most advanced spinal decompression therapy systems of treatments. In short, our successes are the results of our tireless efforts of combining chiropractic, physiotherapy (physical therapy), and advanced spinal decompression therapy.
Can You Fix Bulging & Herniated Disc Without Spine Surgery?
As mentioned earlier, the disc slippage dose does not require surgery. We want to point to that spine surgery does not fix bulging discs or fix the slipped disk. Spine surgery involves cutting. Cutting is not fixing, they are patches, and as such, they can lead to flare-ups or complications. To fix the bulging disc, you will need non-invasive therapeutic measures that target specific tissues.
If you want to know how to fix a slipped disk without surgery, call or visit one of our centers. Our centers use manual and advanced spine-specific technology to fix bulging discs, herniated discs, or slipped discs. Shockwave therapy, FD-3000™ (flexion-distraction therapy), Spinercise®, and Spinal Decompression through the RxDecom® are just some of the therapeutic devices used in our center. In short, we are the best physiotherapy and the top-rated chiropractic center in KL for the treatment of a spinal disc-related disorder.
Today, the most sought-after slipped disc therapy in the United States is spinal decompression therapy. Non-surgical decompression therapy is a pain-free method of restoring the spinal disc to health without the need for surgical or invasive procedures. So, if you have a slipped disc, visit one of our centers for holistic non-operative solutions that others do not have.
Chiropractic Specialty Center® has the most advanced spinal decompression therapy devices in all of Asia. Our technology and methods of collaborative care enable us successes that others can not match. If you want the best conservative slipped disc treatment call us today. We can schedule you for a detailed physical examination of your spine to see if you are a candidate for our system of disc repair.
Decompression Therapy VS The Modern Day Traction For The Slipped Disc
Be careful because many centers in Asia have brought traction machines and are now peddling them as the state of the art decompression systems. On the other hand, our decompression therapy devices are among the most advanced forms of spinal decompression therapy. In short, the benefits you get from our advanced spinal decompression Therapy are better than what you would get when you visit others. Our clinical successes in treatments of acute and complicated slipped disc patients are testaments of our acclaimed status.
The biggest difference between the traction and advanced spinal decompression devices such as the RxDecom® is the technology, sensors, and computer interfaces. Pulling through a traction machine or inferior spinal decompression therapy device is inferior to the treatments you will get through the RxDecom®.
Our technology plays a critical role in getting patients better without surgery. Our technology is the impetus of our clinical successes. In Short, the RxDecom® is superior in every way to that in the modern traction unit. And as such, our physiotherapists and our chiropractors had succeeded when others failed.
We Treat A Slipped Disc Thorugh Advanced Corrective Methods & Breakthrough Spine Technology
But that is not all that we do. Our clinical teams have a significant role in making your slipped disc better. Their skills, knowledge, and abilities are world-class. Through their accomplishments, we have slipped disc sufferers come to us for treatment from the United Kingdom, Africa, the Middle East, India, and other Asian and Southeast Asian nations.
They visit our centers because of our skills, knowledge, and technology. So if you have a slipped disc, visit us today. We can help you recover through Malaysia’s best back pain treatment. Best of all, the care you get is without surgery.
If you suffer from a spinal disc disorder, such as a disc herniation, protruded disc, prolapsed disc (forms of a slipped disc), you owe it to yourself to check us out and see what makes us different. Don’t fall for the sales pitch; ask for proof. We have documented the reversal of even severe slipped disc conditions. We have helped many with a slipped disc and hope to do the same for you. Call one of our centers and ask to speak with either a chiropractor or a physical therapist today.
We have even had cases where the modern-day tradition units failed or worsened a patient’s condition.
Their only non-surgical hope was us. In one such scenario (the failed traction patient), our methods of care as rendered through NSD Therapy® not only made his pain go away but, more importantly, reversing the damage caused by traction. So, call CSC today to fix & repair your slipped disc non-surgically.
NSD Therapy® is a multi-faceted method of collaborative care rendered through technology. NSD Therapy® incorporates target-specific treatments from our state-of-the-art technology (the RxDecom®), chiropractor, and the best physiotherapists in Malaysia(physical therapists) Malaysia. The goals of our NSD Therapy® are to stabilize the cause and reverse as much of the damage present in a given slipped disc.
So, call one of our centers now to speak with either a chiropractor or a physiotherapist, or a physical therapist today to start your recovery through our corrective slipped disc treatment options in Malaysia.
I’m a slip disc patient. Currently, I’m on medication and have been referred to Assunta hospital for treatment. I want to seek 2nd opinion. Can I know how/ where I can refer to? Kindly please contact me.
Dear Muthu,
We have helped many with similar problems and hope to accomplish the same for you. We will be calling you later today before 5 PM to answer any questions that you might have.
Dear Manual,
Thank you for the kind words. I am pleased to hear you like it. We have spent lots of time developing our site and blog. Please share our posts and pages with friends and family. Far too many go on suffering needlessly when we can help.
Please provide the location of your centers. I’m contactable at 0122352672.
Suffering from prolapsed disc C5-C6 since 2013.
Dear Jegan,
Thanks for posting your question. Our office will be calling you soon. However, should we miss you, please visit our contact page for contact info.
We hope this helped.
Have you tried this treatment? Mine got the same problem
Dear Fia,
Our neck treatments for herniated or bulging spinal discs (slipped disc) are provided through comprehensive therapeutic programs for spinal joints, muscles, ligaments, and of course, spinal discs. The care you will receive incorporates corrective chiropractic, physiotherapy, and therapies provided via spine-specific therapy devices. Our goals are to repairs as much of the damage as possible. We have treated thousands successfully and hope to do the same for you. I invite you to call our main center at 03 2093 1000 and speak with one of our chiropractors or physiotherapists to learn more about your non-surgical options.
I hope this helped.
I have slip discs L4/L5 L5/S1. What would you advise that should I do; operation, or do you have another alternative?
Dear Haswani,
Spinal disc problems are widespread. The L4-L5 and L5-S1 are the most common sites for slip discs. At our center, we have treated thousands of slip disc patients without the need for an operative procedure. The best non-surgical treatment for a Slip Disc (Slipped Disc) is NSD Therapy. It is effective even if you have had a failed surgical outcome. NSD Therapy is a combination of Advanced Technology, Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Targeted Rehabilitation, and Nutrition. to learn more about NSD Therapy, visit us at:
Alternatively, you may call our main center at 03-2093 1000 to speak with one of our Chiropractors or Physiotherapists. We have helped many, even when others have failed. We are certain that we can help. Call us today to set up your one-on-one consultation with one of our non-surgical clinical experts. We can help.
I hope this helped.
I have a cervical herniated disc and having pain due to nerve impingement. The pain runs down to my shoulder and left arm. It’s been constant for the past 3 weeks. It was about to go off, but it came back 2 days ago. I wonder what kind of treatment would be suitable for me as it affects my daily activities and work. Please, contact me through my mail address below.
Dear potential patient,
We offered holistic treatment for patients with neck and slipped disc issues by targeting the damaged tissues. One of our clinical team members will be emailing you shortly. Should you require immediate attention, please contact our office at 03 2093 1000.
Dear Jermy,
We missed responding to your post, and we are sorry for that. Herniated discs and pinched nerves can cause pain in the arms, shoulder, and even wrist. Furthermore, it can cause numbness, tingling, and even weakness on the affected side. The best non-surgical solution is NSD Therapy. Our center is the ONLY center in Malaysia that offers NSD Therapy. In short, we can help you.
Slipped Disc L5 S1 compressed
Dear Mr. Goh,
A compressed, bulging, or herniated L5-S1 disc (slipped disc) can be successfully treated without injections or surgery. We have treated thousands of cases successfully and hope to do the same for you. Please call our main center at 03 2093 1000 for locations and appointment time.