We Treat All Types Of Spine & Joint Conditions
Holistic Spine, Joints, And Sports Injury Treatments By CSC
Chiropractic Specialty Center® treats all types of the spine, joints, joint pain & sports injuries, nerves, and nervous system-related disorders. Our neuromuscular and musculoskeletal treatments are customized to the needs of our patients. CSC's tailor-made treatments are provided through the collaborative efforts of evidence-based chiropractors and a clinical team of physiotherapists. We get you better faster so that you can get back to enjoying life and doing what you love most.
Our area of expertise is muscles, ligaments, bones, joints, and nerves. If you suffer from neck pain, back pain, slipped discs, or scoliosis– we are the trusted team. We are rated as the best chiropractic and physiotherapy center in Malaysia by TallyPress and Trusted Malaysia. We are the premier physiotherapy and chiropractic center for back pain, joint pain, and sports injuries. Contact us now for targeted spine and joint treatments with accuracy and precision not matched elsewhere.
Chiropractic Specialty Center® has treated over 20,000 spine and joint patients successfully over the last 15-years. Trust our excellence and award-winning integrative methods of care.
Spine, Joints & Sports Injury Treatment At CSC
Spine, joint, and sports injury treatment is more than a tech line at CSC. Chiropractic Specialty Center® was founded in 2006 to offer the most comprehensive treatments for spine, joints, and sports injuries in Malaysia. Since 2006, we have won several awards that named us the best chiropractic or physiotherapy center in Malaysia.Fix The Root Cause Of Your Neck Pain, Back Pain, Or Slipped Disc
Chiropractic Specialty Center® provides the most comprehensive treatment for neck and back pain. If you suffer from spondylolisthesis, sciatica, or slipped disc & spondylosis––we can help. Our slipped disc, sciatica, and nerve pain treatments target the root cause of the condition. Fixing the actual cause of your discomfort is essential for lasting relief.
Achieving lasting relief takes a specialized set of skills, experience, and advanced therapy equipment. Getting rid of neck and back pain is not difficult. The difficulty is in fixing the cause of your pain so it doesn't reoccur. At CSC, we get rid of your neck pain by fixing the root causes. Our advanced methodology and breakthrough technology put us head-and-shoulders above competing centers.
If you are seeking relief that lasts, contact us today. Let our experts get you back to healthy, active life.
Sciatica slipped disc and nerve pain treatments that we offer our patients are individually and precisely customized. Our meticulousness and dedication to providing the best care results from our expertise, customized integrative therapies, and breakthrough technology.
CSC's Joint & Sports Injury Treatment
CSC'S treatments for knee pain, shoulder pain, or plantar fasciitis have helped thousands recover without injections or surgery. The clinical teams of Chiropractic Specialty Center® are the experts you need for advanced non-surgical repair of meniscal tear, ACL damage, or torn tendons. We are meticulous in our joint and sports injury treatments. Our chiropractors and physiotherapists painstakingly target the root cause of your joint pain so you can recover without injections or surgery.
Far too many joint and sports injuries rely on steroid injections, braces, and bulky supports. Steroid injections are best avoided altogether. Published research calls them more harmful than beneficial. According to the Radiology Journal, steroid injections lead to premature degenerative changes in bones, cartilage, joints, and soft tissues.
Braces and supports should be used temporarily during acute phases while targeted care is provided. We don't believe in selling our patients expensive and bulky braces. Instead, we fix, repair, and reverse injuries and weakness in your neuromusculoskeletal systems with advanced non-rotatory methods of chiropractic combined with clinical physiotherapy.
To conclude, Chiropractic Specialty Center® provides integrative non-surgical solutions with advanced non-invasive methodologies. CSC's chiropractors and physiotherapists are meticulous in their efforts to enhance our patients' lives and well-being. We aim to get you better fast so that you can get back to an active life. Contact us today for the best chiropractic combined with physiotherapy services in Malaysia. We have provided a list of some of the most common conditions we see daily below: