Best Spinal Decompression Therapy In KL

If you are looking for spinal decompression therapy, look no further. CSC has a breakthrough spinal decompression therapy System In KL. Our spinal decompression treatments are empowered through NSD Therapy & the RxDecom®. Get the most holistic method of spinal decompression by calling one of our centers today! 

The Best Spinal Decompression In Malaysia

There are two types of Spinal Decompression available: Surgical Decompression and Non-surgical Decompression. Chiropractic Specialty Center was the first to have offered Non-surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy in the South East Asian Market. In 2009, we improved our methods of Spinal Decompression Therapy with the introduction of NSD Therapy®.

Dr. Yama providing spinal decompression therapy via the RxDecom & NSD Therapy

Spinal Decompression Therapy is the best way to heal spinal discs without surgery. The term “Spinal Decompression Therapy” is not a therapy system but a reference to the type of technology used to decompress the spine. RxDecom® is the most sophisticated spinal decompression therapy device in the world today. The technologies, sensors, and programs utilized by the RxDecom enable our centers to fix and repair slip-discs even when others failed.

Admittedly, we are biased when talking about our methods or systems of care. However biased we may be, the truth of the matter is that the RxDecom is the undeniably best spinal decompression therapy device in the world today. In short, nothing out there can even come close to achieving the results we have delivered through the RxDecom®. It is just that simple. We say that RxDecom® is the Best of all Spinal Decompression Therapy Devices. We have proven that time and again. RxDecom® is the only spinal decompression therapy system that has managed to reverse, retract and fully heal a sequestered spinal disc. That is correct: we have proven MRI images of this achievement.

Proven Non-Surgical Methods Of Treatment

It is with 100% certainty that we state here that traction or other systems are not able to achieve these types of results.


Chiropractic Specialty Center® is the only center in the world that offers spinal decompression therapy via RxDecom®. If you are looking for the best spinal decompression therapy center, look no further.

Spinal disc repair is not easy. For a damaged disc to retract and heal, perfect spinal decompression methods, physiotherapy, chiropractic, and targeted exercise rehabilitation are needed. Our clinical teams of chiropractors and physiotherapists work collaboratively; giving our patients better results!  They have deep-seated knowledge, experience, and skillsets that enable them to fix a damaged spinal disc. Therefore, we would highly encourage you to visit one of our centers. Repair and retraction of the damaged disc must occur timely, or the spinal disc can harden with lifelong implications. Thus, so an urgent need for proper care. Let us help your recovery today.

Our centers utilize knowledge, skills, and advanced technology for results that others cannot match.

What Is The Cost Of Spinal Decompression Therapy In Malaysia?

The price for spinal decompression therapy depends on the center you visit. Some centers charge more than RM 200 for a single session of various forms of decompression therapy, including the DTS spinal decompression therapy. At CSC, the price for physiotherapy is much lower, especially when combined with chiropractic treatments.

The chiropractic treatment price at one of our centers is RM 100. physiotherapy prices depend on the procedure you get. Check our physiotherapy prices, including spinal decompression. Incidentally, spinal decompression therapy at CSC with the DTS unit is RM 55 and RM 65 when provided by the RxDecom®. The price for decompression therapy as stand-alone or without chiropractic treatment is a bit higher but still cheaper than competing centers; contact us today.

DTS At Chiropractic Specialty Center®

Chiropractic Specialty Center® was the first to use decompression therapy: with the launch of our center (in 2007).

When we upgraded to the RxDecom® in 2009, we noticed a significant difference in clinical success. The RxDecom® helped our patients to recover faster and better. Best of all, we can retract and fix slipped disc (slip disc) conditions that we would not have attempted with the DTS. We still use the DTS for patients with mild conditions, but for those with a complicated slipped disc and those wanting better results, we recommend the RxDecom®.

Spinal decompression therapy as rendered in one of our centers is better because of our technology (the RxDecom) and our chiropractors’ combined clinical efforts, physiotherapists, and target-specific rehabilitation. This unique coming together of technology, chiropractic, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation has enabled our centers to achieve astonishing clinical successes without surgery.

Are you looking for the best clinical chiropractic center? Do you know what to look for when searching for a chiropractic center? Well, you are not alone. Finding a good chiropractor or a physiotherapist can be a daunting task. Our advice is to get treated at CSC’s chiro-zone & physio-zone and then go to another chiropractor for a second opinion. Visit their centers to ask plenty of questions. For a second opinion, visit our center. Then, compare them to us or vice-versa.

Lower Back & Neck Pain Can Have Many Causes

The most severe form of neck pain or low back pain leads to nerve root compression. Compressed nerves result in pain in the neck or the back and pain in the arms or legs. Some with more dramatic forms of pinched nerves also complain of numbness, tingling, and even weakness in an extremity. Spinal decompression therapy coupled with chiropractic, physiotherapy, and target-specific rehabilitation is the best means of treating these patients without surgery. In short, our centers’ spinal decompression therapy and treatments can repair and fix a slipped disc (slip disc). Call us today to schedule your consultation; we can help.

illustration that shows repairs of a slip disc

The Spine & Decompression Therapy

The spine consists of individual small bones called vertebrae that are stacked on top of one another to form the spinal column.

The cushion between each vertebra is known as the spinal disc. The problem with a slipped or bulging spinal disc is that it pinches and irritates nerves, resulting in pain that affects the arms (if the problem occurs in the neck) or the legs (sciatica-like symptoms associated with lower back-related problems). Traditionally, it has been difficult to treat people with spinal disc-related problems such as degenerations, bulges, and herniations.

Research has proven that vertebral discs and ligaments have a poor blood supply. The blood supply available to these areas is sufficient to maintain a healthy spinal disc or healthy ligament. However, when an injury occurs, the need for additional nutrients (blood flow) rises significantly. This need is directly related to the degree of damage and malfunction.

Spinal Disc Hydration (Blood Flow) & Decompression Therapy

The extent of injury or dysfunction is directly related to nutrient availability to a spinal disc.

Healthy spinal discs require a continuous, uninterrupted flow of nutrients. The demand for nutrients is higher with injury or malfunction. In other words, if you have a slipped disc, the treatments you get must focus on increasing blood flow (nutrients) to the slipped disc or damaged disc. These nutrients are available to a spinal disc from blood vessels embedded in spinal bones (above and below a spinal disc). Treatments you choose must address the deficiency of needed nutrients. To date, the best and most successful treatments are those performed on advanced spinal decompression therapy devices like the RxDecom®.

Spinal decompression therapy rendered through NSD Therapy® protocols induces imbibition.  Meaning that NSD Therapy® can now induce imbibition. Yes, we can now induce the process of imbibition. Imbibition provides your spinal discs with the needed nutrients. Diurnal changes that occur during the recumbency of sleep helps imbibition. A significant amount of medical research has described the critical role of diurnal changes. In short, diurnal or daily changes or imbibition is when the disc gets blood flow.

What Is The Best Method Of Spinal Decompression Therapy In Malaysia?

Advanced spinal decompression therapy is the only proven system that induces the diffusion of nutrients into a spinal disc. The best and most comprehensive means of doing spinal decompression therapy is through the proven NSD Therapy® protocols. NSD Therapy® incorporates a comprehensive non-surgical method of spinal rehabilitation as rendered by the RxDecom®. The RxDecom® is the world’s most advanced form of spinal decompression therapy, enhanced with intricate computer interfaced systems for increased efficacy through monitoring and control.

NSD THerapy methods & system shownNSD Therapy®: The Best Non-Operative Method Of Spinal Decompression Therapy.

It involves advanced spinal decompression therapy, clinical physiotherapy, research-based chiropractic, and targeted spinal rehabilitation. NSD Therapy® is the best hope of recovering from a slipped disc without surgery.

NSD Therapy® methods of spinal decompression include spinal decompression, chiropractic, physiotherapy, and targeted spinal rehabilitation. The collective efforts put into an NSD Therapy® session are unmatched by others. This technological breakthrough has allowed chiropractors and patients to achieve results that were, in the past, unthinkable.

NSD Therapy® combines technology and medical science specially created to assist physicians and healthcare providers in treating and rehabilitating spinal-related ailments without resorting to invasive surgeries. This technological breakthrough has allowed chiropractors and patients to achieve results that were, in the past, unthinkable.

The most sought-after, most successful non-invasive back therapy in the United States today is decompression therapy. Decompression therapy is an effective treatment for:

  • Herniated Disc
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Posterior Facet Syndrome
  • Sciatica
  • Post-surgical patients

How does RxDecom® Work?

RxDecom® method of Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Treatment is through a series of mechanical pulls that target a problematic segment of the spine.

The RxDecom® system of spinal decompression aims to achieve a gentle separation of 5-7 millimeters in the targeted disc space. The increase in distance aids in creating negative pressure, which leads to re-hydration and rapid healing. Best of all, treatments are not painful. Thus, the goals of RxDecom® are to improve nutrient availability and disc circulation. The enhancement of disc nutrient content is the most attractive achievement of RxDecom®.

At CSC, we use RxDecom® to render spinal decompression treatment in conjunction with chiropractic care and rehabilitation therapy. A person with a herniated, degenerated, or bulging disc also suffers from joint, ligament, and muscle problems. And as such, we combine the benefits of RxDecom® (spinal decompression) with therapeutic procedures rendered through chiropractors in Malaysia, which we further improve with clinical physiotherapy.

Our goal is to make you better as quickly as possible and to undo as much of the damage as humanly possible. Hence, our methods of spinal decompression therapy have the bonuses to help you achieve maximum medical improvement. Thus, so, it becomes imperative to treat and rehabilitate all damaged areas that may be involved.

Clinical Success Rate Of CSC’s Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy Methods

CSC’s success rate has been greater than 95%. Others have treated some of the patients that seek our help, but they were not successful. Even those that others failed to improve: enhanced through our methods. We have had patients who reported no change in condition after having care from other chiropractors, physiotherapists, or orthopedic surgeons. However, our methods proved helpful for almost all, even when others had failed. So, call one of our centers today to start living a healthy, active life again.

Some have even had failed back surgeries. For this reason, we pride ourselves on offering all those who seek our help a complete and well-balanced treatment for neck and back pain.

Experience Clinical Excellence In Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy Of Spine At The Chiropractic Specialty Center®

At Chiropractic Specialty Center®, we wanted the most efficient form of spine treatment. As a result, we are proud to be the first in Malaysia to offer spinal decompression therapy. CSC’s chiropractors and physiotherapists’ in-depth experience with decompression therapy, along with a firm understanding of disc problems, led to the development of the “five-prong approach.”

  • Gentle chiropractic adjustments.
  • Physiotherapy
  • A particular form of neuromuscular massage and trigger point therapy
  • Flexion/distraction treatment or Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy.

CSC’s systems of Specific exercise and nutrition programs have helped thousands recover faster.

We have the technology, skills, and an experienced clinical team. Our spine methods of care are better and more efficient when compared to any other non-operative center in town. None can match our success level when repairing a slipped disc, sciatica, or spinal stenosis.

In short, if you are in pain, we are the best and most target-specific treatment center in town. Therefore, why waste time with centers or methods that have not proved useful. Furthermore, our centers make it easy for you to get treatments from chiropractors and physiotherapists simultaneously. So, you don’t have to choose one over the other. Visit us today and learn how we are better equipped to handle spine, joint, and sports injuries. 

CSC is the premier spinal decompression therapy center in Malaysia. We are the only NSD Therapy® center in Malaysia. Contact one of our centers now for the best spinal decompression therapy in KL as given by the RxDecom® & NSD Therapy® today!

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