Herniated Disc Treatment That Fix & Repairs Slip-Disc Without Surgery
Call us today to schedule your one-on-one appointment at our award-winning center. We treat discs through the advanced methodology of NSD Therapy®. Recover from a herniated disc without injections & surgery; contact one of our centers today!
Herniated Disc Treatment That Fix & Reverse A Slip-Disc
A herniated disc, better known by its layperson’s name as a “slip disc” or “slipped disc,” is fast becoming the most common cause of neck pain and back pain. The medical terms for the slipped disc (slip disc) are disc herniation or a herniated disc. So, the use of the phrase “slipped disc” is purely for simplicity. Additionally, we would like to take a moment and point out that a spinal disc is firmly attached to the spine, and such will not Slip.
Terms such as bulging disc, herniated disc, protruded disc, prolapsed disc, ruptured discs, and extruded disc are terms used to describe disc damage. We will use these terms for ease of sharing the needed information with you.
What Is The Leading Cause Of Disc Herniation?
An injured, worn-out, and damaged disc lead to disc herniation. Get your herniated & slip-disc treated in Kuala Lumpur’s award-winning center today. According to medical research, there have to be some degenerative changes present in a spinal disc before it herniates or protrudes. In other words, a healthy disc will never herniate or slip. A herniated disc is a damaged disc that no longer functions properly. Pain is the most common symptom in patients with a herniated disc (slip disc). Pain, disability, and paralysis are why a slipped disc (herniated disc) has become a pandemic, and no one is immune.
The most common cause of herniated disc is the stress placed on a degenerated disc. In other words, sitting for prolonged periods can stress a degenerated disc and cause it to get damaged. A herniated spinal disc is treatable without spine surgery. For non-surgical treatments to work, you need an expert team with advanced spine technology. We have the best non-surgical clinical teams for spinal disc disorder. Our methods are through a proven system of care backed by technology. Our slipped disc treatment system helped reverse and repair a herniated disc, even when competing centers failed. We had also succeeded when spine surgery failed.
What Are The Risk Factor For Slip-Discs Related To Disc Herniation
Slip discs resulting in herniations are relatively common and can occur at any age. The leading cause of herniated cervical or lumbar disc herniations is degenerative changes caused by poor posture or injuries. Degenerative changes and the joints and discs of the spine or common as we age; however, excessive or premature degenerative changes in the back or neck are the primary cause of a slipped disc, commonly known as a herniated disc.
What To Do For A Herniated Disc In The Neck (Herniated Cervical Disc)?
The best treatment for a herniated disc in the neck, including a C5-C6 herniated cervical disc, is a combination of chiropractic with physiotherapy Provided to the NSD Therapy® protocols. Do you suffer from a herniated disc in the neck, contact Chiropractic Specialty Center® to see if you’re a candidate for NSD Therapy®. CSC provides the best treatment for slip discs in the neck, including bulging and herniated cervical discs. Best of all, the care you get from us is non-surgical.
The neck or cervical spine has seven segments. These seven segments are interconnected to form seven motion segments.
- C1-C2
- C2-C3
- C3-C4
- C4-C5
- C5-C6
- C6-C7
- C7-T1
The seven cervical motion segments, except the C1-C2, are interconnected through a series of ligaments and a spinal disc; for example, the C5 disc attaches to the C5-C6 segment. The C1C2 motion segment of the neck is interconnected through a series of ligaments and articular cartilage. The largest spinal disc is at C5-C6, followed by C4-C5 and C6-C7. These three discs are more prominent than the rest of the spinal discs in the neck because they are more mobile and bear more weight. The C5-C6 is the most mobile motion segment in the neck, and as such, it is a common sight for a disc bulge, herniation, and extrusions.
Home Remedy For Slipped Disc Patients
A good home remedy that can use by patients with cervical disc herniations is icing the affected areas for 15-20-minutes three times a day. When icing the neck or low back, wrap the ice pack in a cloth and never ice longer than 20 minutes or sooner than once every 90-minutes. Also, neck pain patients with herniated discs should avoid excessive cell and mobile device use, as they are the leading factors in developing or worsening slipped discs.
What To Do For A Herniated Disc In The Back (Herniated Lumbar Disc)?
If you have been diagnosed with a herniated lumbar disc, you will need to avoid bending and twisting at the waist. Additionally, icing your back for 15-minutes every 2-3 hours helps reduce the swelling. Patients with lumbar disc herniations should avoid any form of therapy or treatments that put the spine in a rotated position during treatment. This includes rotatory methods of chiropractic, including Diversified and Gonstead techniques, and physiotherapy stretching or activities that turns or twists the spine. Turning and bending at the waist is wrong because it increases the stress on spinal disc fibers, causing them to tear and protrude or slip.
The lumbar spine or the lower back has five motion segments that are separated by their respective spinal discs:
- L1-L2 motion segment separated by the L1 spinal disc
- L2-L3 motion segment separated by the L2 spinal disc
- L3-L4 motion segment separated by the L3 spinal disc
- L4-L5 motion segment separated by the L4 spinal disc
- L5-S1 motion segment made of the 5th lumbar and first sacral segment (the tailbone) is divided by the L5 spinal disc
The lower three lumbar discs (L3, L4 & L5) are common sites for spinal disc bulges and spinal disc herniations. The two most common motion segments impacted by herniated lumbar discs are the L4-L5 and L5-S1. Reversing a lumbar disc herniation is possible when the patient receives an accurate diagnosis followed by targeted treatments that combine specialized methods of chiropractic combined with physiotherapy. CSC provides the best and most effective herniated disc treatment for the lumbar spine; contact us today for more information.
Today, spinal surgeons’ most common disc disorder is a Disc Herniation (Slip Disc) or Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc.
A herniated disc (slip disc, slipped disc, or slip-disk) can be one of the most painful conditions. Often, the severity of pain is proportionate to the seriousness of the condition. It can be mild when it affects the neck or back, to a more dangerous health condition, where the pain radiates down the arms or legs. It can cause numbness, tingling, weakness, or paralysis in the arms or legs in severe cases.
The earlier you start your care, the better the long-term outlook for patients with spinal disc issues. Thus, we encourage all to avoid neglecting a herniated spinal disc. Neglect may lead to significant compression of the spinal cord and spinal nerves. Spinal stenosis, also known as stenosis, often results from neglect, improper, or ineffective treatments. Thus, it is critical to treat even the slightest disc issue.
A herniated or slip-disc occurs most frequently in your lower neck and lower back. However, it can impact any segment of your spine. Impacted spinal discs can tear and rupture, leading to disabling neck and back pain.
A herniated disc is a damaged disc. It starts when the outer fibers of a disc tear or protrude, allowing the “gel-like center” (nucleus) to protrude (slip). A herniated or slipped disc occurs most frequently in your lower back, but anyone of the spinal disc can herniate or rupture, including your spinal discs in your upper back and neck.
Spinal Disc Anatomy & Structure
It is impossible to relate slip-disc (slipped disc) information without giving out details on disc structure and anatomy.
So, we will briefly go over the most basic anatomy without delay. In the human body, there are 23 spinal discs. Every spinal segment has a vertebral disc attached, except the first vertebra (C-1). A spinal disc’s function is to bear the weight, connect spinal segments, and allow motion and mobility. The disc has other features, such as providing the frontal wall of neural foramina, but we will cover those at another time.
A Spinal Disc Has Two Main Parts:
- Nucleus Pulposus
- Annulus Fibrosus
As the name implies, the nucleus is in the center of a spinal disc. The Nucleus is the part of the spinal disc that allows for mobility and function. Moreover, the nucleus pulposus (the core of the spinal discs) produces the raw material the entire disc needs for survival and repair. The Nucleus pulposus is the essential part of the spinal disc. Quite literally, it is the heart and the brain.
Annulus fibrosus is a highly specialized ligament in the spine. The annulus fibrosus has many functions, but we will concentrate on connecting the spinal bones. Additionally, we will briefly discuss its role in maintaining and corralling the nucleus in the center. Therefore, we like to think of the annulus fibrous as a disc’s “muscle” (bodyguard).
Are Spinal Discs Same As Ligaments?
We mentioned earlier that spinal discs are firmly attached to the vertebrae.
The spinal disc attachment to spinal bones is a rather intense series of intertwined fibrous ligaments known as the annular fibrosus. Other names include annulus fibrosus, annular fibers, annular ligament, or annular. The annular ligament functions as a bodyguard, keeping the spinal disc at the center. When fibers degenerate or tear, they cannot hold the nucleus in the center. Thus, a damaged or torn annulus fiber is one of the many reasons why a spinal disc slips. Damage to annular fibers always involves the outermost fibers (outer annular ligament damage).
Damage to the annular fibers starts when the disc’s outer fibers are under excessive stress. Over time, these stresses’ accumulated effects result in degenerative changes that weaken the once strong annular ligament. Thus, degenerative changes within annular fibers are the leading cause of annular tears.
A torn spinal disc is weak and unable to keep the nucleus in the center. Thus, allowing the nucleus to herniate through (slip). To conclude this section, a herniated disc occurs when a spinal disc has met the following two criteria:
- Sufficient degenerative changes
- Tears in the Annular fibers
Disc Herniation Occurs With The Slippage Of The Nucleus
Slippage of the nucleus (gel-like center of the disc) is almost always towards the spinal cord and spinal nerves. When the herniation is large, it presses and pinches the spinal cord’s delicate and sensitive fibers and spinal nerves. Thus causing pain in both the area of the protruding disc (herniated disc or slipped disc) and in any part of your body controlled by the compressed nerve.
Chiropractic Specialty Center® has the most thorough understanding of a slipped disc and the series of steps a disc goes through before it herniates and slips through. Our knowledge has enabled us to get specialized physiotherapy and chiropractic technologies to fix spinal disc damage. Yes, we can improve and repair your slipped disc without surgery! Our centers provide integrative care through research-based chiropractors and clinical physiotherapists. As a result, we offer the best chiropractic treatment in Malaysia.
CSC’s treatment for a disc herniation fixes & repairs the actual cause of your slipped disc through advanced non-invasive methods.
Do You Have to Have Spine Surgery For A Disc Herniation?
Regardless of what others may tell you, you no longer have to have spine surgery. Spine surgery should is best when you have exhausted an effective non-surgical method of treatment, such as NSD Therapy®. But, yet, some surgeon operates without giving the patient a chance to recover without surgery. If they recommend surgery without having you go through a focused non-surgical regiment, you should avoid them! Many that have had spine surgery performed only find the need to have surgery again.
Improper Diagnosis Of Disc Herniation (Slip-Disc) Is The Leading Cause Of Failures For A Successful Outcome
The terms muscle spasms and sciatica are near abuse levels by most doctors.
Muscles do not go into spasms to the intensity to cause moderate or even severe back pain. But, muscle spasms do happen, and not as often as some doctors’ say they do. Perhaps, they want to prescribe the muscle relaxer before it expires. Sciatica is not a diagnosis but rather a description of a group of symptoms. A spinal disc disorder almost always causes sciatica. It is relatively impossible to have sciatica without a slip-disc. But, many that diagnose sciatica or tell their patients that they have a slip-disc. These are those with limited knowledge. So, be aware of and avoid them whenever possible.
Learn About The Health Of Your Spinal Disc
So, if you want to know about your Spinal Disc’s health, ask your doctor to send you for an MRI. Even if they say it is only sciatica, insist on getting an MRI. Getting an MRI is the absolute final and best method of evaluating and ruling out a spinal disc issue. MRI is the gold standard in the testing for a slipped disc. And as such, CSC chiropractors may recommend an MRI test when or if our Doctor of Chiropractic suspects you of having a Slipped Disc.
Spinal disc problems should not get the same old treatment that one gets for simple back pain. Many that go for conventional therapy or take regular medications find themselves needing surgery or worse. It is better to have an accurate diagnosis initially rather than waiting and seeing how your body does.
The good news on MRI is that they do not have any harmful side effects on health.
They are better than the typical x-rays as they show muscles, ligaments, discs, spinal cord, and spinal nerves. So, there is no guessing. Also, it will help identify any complicating issues—for example, the thickening of ligaments and their impact on sensitive nerve roots and spinal canal. In addition, hypertrophy of Ligamentum Flavum is exceedingly common in Herniated Disc patients. Thus, it is important to fully picture all implicating and complicating issues before starting your treatment.
Herniated Disc & Hypertrophy Of Ligamentum Flavum
Long-standing disc herniations and disc degeneration can have an impact on other spinal tissues and structures. It can lead to degenerative changes that can complicate recovery from a slipped disc (herniated disc). In this section, we will discuss thickening or Hypertrophy of Ligamentum Flavum. We hope the information provided here will help your recovery towards a healthier, more active life.
Ligamentum Flavum, Latin for “Yellow Ligament,” is a unique ligament that runs from the top of your spine to the bottom. The ligament is in the back part of the spinal canal, which houses the spinal cord, connecting your brain to the rest of your body.
This ligament is yellow because it contains many elastic fibers and muscle fibers, unlike any other ligament in the body. Ligamentum flavum is the ONLY ligament in the human body that is s also classified as a muscle. However, it is specialized and often neglected when it comes to diagnosis and treatments.
Disc Herniation, Facet Hypertrophy & Hypertrophy Of Ligamentum Flavum
Ligamentum Flavum gets thicker due to stresses and strains placed on it. Prolonged sitting, poor posture, excessive bending waist, and repeated twisting are undue stresses, predisposing ligamentum flavum to injury. Over time, injuries sustained lead to thickening (hypertrophy). Hypertrophy of ligamentum Flavum is common in patients with longstanding degenerated disc disease, slipped disc (Herniated Disc), sciatica and scoliosis. Thus, getting appropriate treatments for a slipped disc, degenerated disc, sciatica, and scoliosis is the critical step towards recovery.
Hypertrophy of ligamentum flavum is the main cause of spinal canal stenosis. Also, if you have ligamentum flavum hypertrophy, you may suffer from facet hypertrophy. A facet is a medical term used for spinal joints. Any time the spinal joints degenerate, forming arthritis and bone spurs, it is classified as facet hypertrophy. Facet hypertrophy, ligamentum flavum hypertrophy, and spinal canal stenosis are common conditions. Call us today for the best alternatives to spine surgery.
There is a fixed and limited amount of room in the spinal canal (housing of the spinal cord). When the Ligamentum Flavum thickens, it takes space away and compresses the spinal cord. The thicker the ligament gets, the more severe your condition becomes. Thus, it is critical to fix the root cause (herniated discs and degenerated discs) before Hypertrophy of this ligamentum flavum.
We Can Help With A Thickened Ligamentum Flavum
Ignoring and neglecting thickened ligamentum flavum can result in significant pain, weakness in the legs, and even paralysis. In addition, the surgical procedure for a thickened ligamentum flavum can further complicate back or neck issues. To avoid worsening and nasty post-surgical complications, seek effective non-invasive treatment options early. Call or visit a Chiropractic Specialty Center® near you today!
Our centers have non-operative clinical experts and specialized spine technology to help your recovery. The treatment you get from us is through the collaborative efforts of CSC’s research-based chiropractors and clinical physiotherapists. We can address the symptoms and improve some of the root causes to stop this progressive disorder.
What Should You Do For A Disc Herniation Or Slip-Disc?
Get our help immediately. We are the best and most holistic treatment center for a herniated disc. You can do the best thing for yourself by getting an evaluation and treatments from CSC’s clinical team. CSC’s methods, technology & methodology of slipped disc treatment are better targeted. We get the lasting results & improvements you need for an active life; contact a CSC center today!
Delaying treatments or waiting to see if it heals by itself is a gamble that never pays. Slipped disc or any spinal disc disorder is a progressive condition. Don’t ignore or neglect a neck or back pain; seek competent clinical help before it worsens. A slipped disc is repairable non-invasively. We have done it time and time again. The key to recovery is targeted treatments promptly.
Best Homecare Remedy For Herniated & Slip-Disc
Also, you may want to get lumbar support. But all these are temporary at best. It would help if you had competent non-surgical care from a team of experts with the skills, knowledge, and advanced technology. In other words, call our office. Our chiropractors and physiotherapists are the non-surgical experts you need to recover from your herniated disc (slipped disc) in Malaysia. Call them; you have nothing to lose except the pain.
Our methods of care are proven effective through pre and post-therapy MRI of patients with spinal disc herniations. Our centers are the only ones of their kind in Malaysia that offer NSD Therapy. No one in town can do this except us. Our physiotherapists and chiropractors work hand-in-hand to get you better fast and back on your feet.
Best Targeted Therapy For Failed Back Surgery
Even if you have had a surgical intervention or if others have failed, we can help. Call one of our centers and experience clinical excellence today. We are a non-surgical and non-invasive therapy center. At our centers, we do more than just chiropractic treatments. Our centers are the to-go-to centers where patients with slip-discs recover. We are the ones that have healed and reversed sequestered and fragmented spinal discs. In other words, if we can handle the severest forms of slipped disc cases, I am certain we can handle mild to moderate cases with ease.
We succeed by our methods of chiropractic and physiotherapy backed by specialized rehabilitation technology. For example, our spinal decompression therapy system coupled with NSD Therapy®, chiropractic, and physiotherapy can fix and repair disc disorders, including a herniated disc (Slip disc).
CSC is Award-Winning chiropractic and physiotherapy that offers the best-herniated disc treatment that fixs & repairs slip-disc without surgery or injections.
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