Neck Pain Treatment In KL That Fix & Repairs The Neck Without Surgery
Neck pain can be acute or chronic, ranging from mild stiffness to life-changing disabling pain. To recover, you need holistic neck treatment methods that repair the cause of your neck pain.
Chiropractic Specialty Center® (CSC) provides the most holistic neck pain treatment in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. CSC’s advanced methods and breakthrough technology have helped thousands recover without medication, injections, or surgery. Our successes result from our skills, knowledge, and 16 years of clinical excellence in chiropractic and physiotherapy.
At CSC, we leverage the benefits of chiropractic, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation into a singular approach. Get the best treatment for neck pain at one of our centers today.
Cervical Spine, Cervicalgia & Neck Pain
The cervical pain or the neck is the most crucial part of the spine as it connects the brain to the body. The seven bones or vertebrae that form your neck are smaller than the rest of the spine, but they are more maneuverable, mobile, and flexible.
The seven neck bones (C1 to C7) are separated by articular cartilage ( between C1-C2) and six spinal discs (between C2-C7). Spinal discs are gel-like padding or cushions that connect and separate neck bones providing shock absorbance, weight-bearing for the head, and dynamic flexibility for maneuverability and movement to help us scan our surroundings.
The spinal discs and spinal joints of the cervical spine provide motion and movements to:
- Turn the head and neck from side to side.
- Tilt from side to side (side-bending).
- Bend forward and backward.
- Coupled movements combine one or more of the above three actions, including bending, tilting, and turning simultaneously without much effort.
The neck is more flexible than the mid-back or lower back and is also the least protected part of the spine–making it the most susceptible to injuries and premature wear and tear. This article covers:
- Neck pain (cervicalgia)
- What causes neck pain
- Common symptoms of neck pain
- Preventive measure
- Treatment options & when to see a doctor
Self-help tips, including best stretching & exercise to help you recover from neck pain
What Is Neck Pain Or Cervicalgia?
Cervicalgia is a medical term for neck pain. Neck pain may feel like a dull, sharp, or stabbing pain from the top of the neck under the skull to the area between the top of your shoulders.
There are two main types of neck problems:
- Neck Stiffness: A stiff neck can be challenging to pinpoint as it may result from several factors, including strained muscles, tense muscles, degenerative arthritis (wear and tear arthritis), and degeneration of the neck spinal discs.
- Neck Pain: Neck pain is more specific than stiffness. The most problematic of all neck pain is when it shoots down to the shoulders & arms or if neck pain worsens with tilting the head and neck’s back.
There are two types of neck pain:
- Localized neck pain: Localized neck pain is common, causing stiffness, discomfort, or pain in the neck with or without movements. Localized neck pain is commonly caused by muscle strains, ligament weakness, or accumulated stresses from excessive computer use and poor posture from everyday activities. The long-term impact of a localized neck problem includes premature wear and tear of neck joints or spinal discs of the neck. Chronic localized neck pain is the leading factor in ending the development offer radicular neck pain.
- Radicular neck pain: Radicular neck pain is a more severe form of a neck problem where the pain shoots from the neck to the top of the shoulders, upper back, chest, or down to arms and hands. The main culprit and radicular neck pain is compression or impingement of the spinal cord or spinal nerves.
Upper Neck Pain Causes, Remedies & Treatment Options
Stiffness, pain, and discomfort below the skull or hairline in the back of the head are classified as upper neck disorders. The 1st through the third segments (C1 to C3 vertebrae) of the spine are part of the upper neck.
Upper neck issues are all too common in patients with poor posture and injured. Another common condition that causes upper neck issues is jaw dysfunction or problems, or Eagle syndrome. Longstanding or chronic jaw issues such as clicking or discomfort lead to upper neck pain because the jaws and the upper neck are closely related. TMD (temporomandibular joint dysfunction) is a common condition caused by teeth grinding during sleep. Patients with jaw and upper neck disorders will need treatments that fix and repair the jaw joints parallel with upper neck issues.
Upper neck disorders are the leading cause of several symptoms and conditions:
- Pain at the occipital bone or base of the skull
- Headaches and migraines
- Jaw pain, clicking, and TMD problems
- Vertigo, dizziness, and imbalance
- Ringing in the ears or tinnitus
- Numbness, burning, and tingling sensation end the skull or top of the head
The best remedy that minimizes or eliminates upper neck pain is an improvement of posture. If posture corrections are not helpful, you will need focused treatments targeting your spine’s upper next segment.
Lower Neck Pain Causes & Best Treatment Options
The lower neck starts at the 4th vertebra (C4) and ends at C7, the last segment or vertebrae of the neck. Lower neck disorders (C4-C7) often result from premature wear and tear of neck joints or spinal discs. Degenerative and arthritic changes are more common in the lower neck because its the most stressed segment when bending the head and neck forward. The C5-C6 vertebrae of the lower neck are the most common site of bulging or herniated discs in the neck.
Accurate diagnosis and customized treatment are critical for a speedy recovery and lasting relief from her lower neck pain. Therefore, it is advisable to seek remedies from experts and clinicians familiar with all neck problems and how to treat them. The best treatment for upper or lower neck pain problems it’s a combination of chiropractic with physiotherapy. The combined and integrative chiropractic methods with physiotherapy leverage the benefits of both principles for speedy healing.
The Importance Of The Cervical Spine (Neck)
Let’s get one thing straight from the start. The neck is an essential weight-bearing structure, supporting the head and protecting the spinal cord.
Poor posture leads to weakness of the neck muscles and ligaments. The impacts of poor posture are far-reaching. It leads to degenerative changes in soft tissues that alter the cervical spine’s normal curvature (neck). The cervical spine (neck) should have a 25-30-degree lordotic curve. This curvature can reduce and even reverse with poor posture.
A neck problem resulting from compressed or irritated nerves (compressed nerve roots) can cause severe and chronic neck symptoms. Reduced or decreased curvature in the neck is typical in patients with chronic neck pain. Patients with chronic neck problems often have spinal stenosis, slipped disc, and degenerative disc disease, resulting in spinal cord compression of the sensitive nerve roots.
Spondylosis is a medical condition that results from degenerative changes, osteoarthritis, and slipped discs that compress cervical nerve roots and cause pain. Compressed cervical nerve roots are the leading causes of neck pain, upper back pain, numbness, and tingling in the neck, shoulder, arms, and hands.
What Are The Common Cause Of Neck Pain?
Several factors and conditions cause neck problems that impact soft tissues (muscles & ligaments), neck joints, spinal discs of the neck, spinal nerves that exit the cervical spine, or the spinal cord that runs through the neck (cervical spine). Here are the three major causes of neck pain and neck stiffness:
- Injury: The neck is the spine’s most flexible and least protected part. Frequent or repetitive injuries are among the most common causes of neck pain, slipped discs, arthritic spinal joints, and stiff neck. Athletic activities, car accidents, and slip & falls damage and injure the neck’s soft tissues, joints, and spinal discs.
- Wear & tear: No one is immune from wear and tear, and we all go through it as we get older. However, premature wear and tear of the neck muscles, ligaments, joints, and spinal discs is a common cause of a stiff and painful neck.
- Poor posture: Poor posture is the leading cause of a stiff and painful neck. Two Great examples of poor posture include:
- Improper sleeping positions: Your sleeping position matters, especially regarding the neck. The best sleeping position is on your back with a contour pillow under your neck. Sleeping on the stomach or other parts where your neck doesn’t form a straight line with the rest of the spine is not ideal as it stresses the neck’s muscles, ligaments, and joints.
- Poor sitting posture: In addition to sleeping posture, it would be best to improve your daily posture by avoiding prolonged neck flexion while working on computers, laptops, or mobile phones. Prolonged or excessive use of laptops and cell phone can cause tech neck or text neck.
What Kind Of Doctor Should I See For My Neck Pain?
General practitioners, orthopedic surgeons specializing in spine, neurosurgeons, neurologists, and chiropractic doctors provide neck pain treatment. GPs or general practitioners treat neck pain patients with muscle relaxers. Neurologists assess nerve impingements with nerve conduction studies and treat neck pain with medication. Spine surgeons (orthopedic and neurosurgeons) treat neck pain with medicine, steroid injections, or neck surgery. In addition to muscle relaxers and painkillers, medical doctors (GPs, neurologists, orthopedic orthopedics, and neurosurgeons may also refer you for therapy.
Chiropractors are not Medical Doctors (MD or MBBS); they are Doctors of Chiropractic (D.C.). Chiropractors are best at the non-invasive treatment of the spine and joints. If you seek a non-surgical method that fixes and repairs the cause of your neck pain, chiropractic treatment for your neck will help. Look for centers and clinics that offer combined and integrative neck pain treatment that combines chiropractic and physiotherapy for the best results.
Get advanced neck pain treatment through advanced clinical methods that repair the actual cause of pain by our award-winning team of chiropractors and physiotherapists; call us now!
What Type Of Neck Pain Treatment Is Best?
There are many types of neck pain treatment available for you to choose from, the best of which is a combination of chiropractic and physiotherapy. Combining chiropractic treatment of neck pain with physiotherapy enables you to leverage the clinical benefits from both disciplines. We have covered neck pain treatment options in greater detail in the coming sections. For now, let’s focus on the causes of neck pain and what you can do to recover fast with lasting improvements.
Six Reasons Why Your Neck Hurts
The exact cause of neck pain is injuries, poor posture, or premature wear and tear damaging muscles, ligaments, spinal joints, and spinal discs. Moreover, neck stiffness and discomfort may also result from the shoulders, upper back, ribcage, and chest problems. Common causes of a stiff and painful neck include:
- Muscle damage, tightness, or spasms
- Ligamentous damage or weakness
- Tech neck or text neck
- Degenerative changes in spinal joints of the neck as seen in cervical spondylosis
- Bulging, protruded, prolapsed, herniated, and extruded discs, best known as slip discs
- Nerve impingements resulting from slipped discs, bone spurs, or degenerative arthritis
Why Your Neck Muscles Are Stiff, Tight & The Reason For Muscle Spasms?
Muscles can feel tightness and develop spasms. Muscle spasms and tightness in the neck, top of the shoulder, and upper back are common with excessive computer and cell phone use. Hunching over your laptop, desktop, or mobile device puts undue pressure on neck joints, ligaments, and muscles. Over time and with the accumulation of stress, the muscles that support the neck tighten, developing trigger points and focal areas of damage in muscle fibers.
What Are Common Causes Of Ligamentous Damage Or Weakness?
The bones and joints of the neck are held together by ligaments. Ligaments stabilize the head and neck and keep them in place when we turn, tilt, or bend our head and neck when scanning our surroundings. The ligaments of the upper neck are most crucial as they simultaneously stabilize the neck and head. Ligaments of the neck can get injured in sports, car accidents, or with tech and text neck, hunching over the keyboard or mobile phone.
Muscular & Ligamentous Causes Of Neck Pain
Ligament weakness or ligamentous laxity causes neck joints’ instability, predisposing them to premature degeneration in ligaments and joints. Soft tissue damage (issues with muscles & ligaments) is typical in sports injuries, poor posture, and car accidents. Neck stiffness and discomfort are primarily associated with excessive computer and cell phone use (tech neck or text neck). Tech neck leads to ligamentous laxity in the neck. Text or tech neck is also the main culprit in muscle tightness and spasms.
What Is Text Neck & Is It Same As Tech Neck?
Tech and text neck are interchangeable terms descriptive of neck issues resulting from excessive use of computers, laptops, and mobile phones stressing the neck to the point where it damages the neck muscles, ligaments, joints, and spinal discs (disc degeneration and slipped discs). Text and tech neck are new terms for an old problem resulting from prolonged or excessive head and neck bending. Over time, text neck causes premature wear and tear of all muscles in the neck, including the ligaments, muscles, joints, spinal discs, and spinal nerves (nerve impingement).
Tech Neck & Text Neck And Its Harmful Impact On The Neck
Any position that forces the neck forward or flexed position stresses the neck’s joints, muscles, and ligaments. Working on computers, laptops, or cell phones causes tech neck or text neck. Text neck and tech neck are disorders resulting from poor postures while working. If neglected, it can damage joints, discs, and spinal nerves.
The neck or cervical spine provides weight-bearing for the head. The average head weighs about 4 to 6 kilograms (8-13lbs). The four-to-six-kilogram weight of the head is maintained at 4-6kgs if the head is directly above the shoulders. However, for every inch the head moves forward, the weight borne by the joint of the lower neck doubles. For example, the average head position on a mobile phone is about 3 inches ahead of the center (plumb line). When the head is flexed or moved forward by 3 inches from the center, the impact is like having 40kgs placed on the lower neck joints.
The increased use of laptops, cell phones, and handheld devices forces the neck into an unnatural forward bending posture for an extended period. It would help prevent tech and text neck by maintaining a good neck and upper back posture while working or surfing the net to avoid neck issues and get rid of stiffness and discomfort.
Neck Pain During Pregnancy
Neck pain during pregnancy is rampant; nearly half of pregnant women suffer or complain of neck stiffness. Increased hormonal changes, changes in the center of gravity, and poor posture are the leading causes of increased neck pain or stiffness during pregnancy.
Here is the primary reason why pregnant females get neck pain during pregnancy:
- Changes in the center of gravity: Neck Pregnancy alters the center of gravity which changes your posture, altering the position of your head and neck above your shoulders.
- Hormonal changes: Hormonal levels are another causative factor in developing neck pain during pregnancy. Relaxin and progesterone are two hormones that soften ligaments and muscles to relax them as the growing uterus and baby. Increased progesterone and relaxin hormones cause softening of the neck muscles and ligaments, rendering the small joints of the neck and upper back unstable and prone to misalignment.
- Poor posture: Neck pain is a certainty for pregnant women. If you are pregnant and suffer neck pain, improving your posture while sitting, at work, or sleeping with a proper cervical pillow can help.
Pregnant females with neck pain or headaches can find faster relief when treated by our lead doctor of chiropractic. Yama Zafer, D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic), has over 26 years of experience treating pregnancy-related aches and pain; contact our center today to schedule an appointment with Yama Zafer, D.C.
How To Get Rid Of Neck Pain During Pregnancy?
To get rid of pregnancy pain, including back or neck pain during pregnancy, you will need to avoid aggravating postures and positions. Also, take breaks from activities and excessive mobile use. Women who work during pregnancy have higher risks of developing neck symptoms. Taking repeated breaks and avoiding stressful situations or activities can help you get rid of aches and pain.
However, if the pain continues and fails to improve with these simple steps, contact our Bukit Damansara center today and get top-rated chiro treatment for neck pain during pregnancy. Chiropractic Specialty Center® treats pregnancy aches and pain through specific forms of physiotherapy and chiropractic designed for pregnant and new mothers; we have helped thousands recover fast and hope to do the same for you.
The Top Five Tips Of Getting Rid Of Neck Pain During Pregnancy
Pregnancy aches and pains are a fact of life. Everyone will experience some discomfort and pain during pregnancy. However, constant pregnancy pain, such as back pain or neck pain while pregnant, needs urgent attention. We have provided the five best remedies for neck pain during pregnancy below:
- The best thing you can do is to improve your posture. Avoid sitting and hunching over your desk or computer.
- Avoid sitting with a downward head and neck posture for more than 15-20 minutes.
- Take a break from your phone or tablet. Excessive phone or tablet use is a primary cause of neck pain in all patients, but during pregnancy, you increase the risk of damaging joints or spinal discs by many folds.
- Ice your neck and upper back every 2-4 hours for 15-minutes with a cloth wrapped around the ice pack. Icing will help decrease swelling and reduce pain. Avoid using heat as it may increase the severity of pain and predispose you to more intense pain levels.
Visit Chiropractic Specialty Center® (CSC) if you continue to experience pregnancy aches or pain, including upper back and neck.CSC in Bukit Damansara provides the most holistic neck pain treatment for prenatal and postpartum pregnancy aches and pains. The prenatal and postnatal care you get at our center combines physiotherapy with chiro treatments for lasting relief without medications or injections; contact us today.
What Is Cervical Spondylosis & Is It Treatable?
Cervical Spondylosis is a general term for degenerative changes in the neck, which are, for the most part, age-related wear and tear of the joints in your neck, including the neck’s spinal discs. Typically, cervical Spondylosis is seen and people over 50. However, younger people are becoming common because they often hunch over computers or cell phones for extended periods. Cervical Spondylosis is treatable and manageable without surgery or injections by receiving customized, focused treatments that target the root causes. In addition to focus treatments, you will need some lifestyle modification by improving your posture while sitting, sleeping, and working on your computers or handling mobile devices.
What Is The Best Treatment For A Painful & Stiff Neck Caused By Cervical Spondylosis?
It would help to treat a painful and stiff neck, including cervical spondylosis, with conservative methods without neck surgery or injections. The best conservative approach for patients with cervical spondylosis is an integrative treatment that combines physiotherapy with spondylosis-specific chiropractic care. By combining chiropractic with physiotherapy, you leverage both benefits for faster and lasting relief.
Patients with cervical spondylosis should avoid treatment that rotates or twists the neck because they worsen the degenerative changes in joints and spinal discs. Spinal joint and soft tissue mobilization or manipulations are helpful if the methods used avoid twisting or rotating the neck during treatments. It is best to prevent rotatory mobilization for your neck joints, as often provided by tit-tar practitioners, bonesetters, physiotherapists, and some chiropractors. The Activator method of chiropractic avoids rotatory mobilization of your neck, giving precise treatment without harmful effects to spinal discs, spinal cord, or nerves. The Activator method provides precision mobilization without twisting or harming the worn-out and damaged joints or spinal discs.
Degenerative Disc Disease & Its Impact On The Neck
Spinal disc degeneration, desiccated discs, and degenerative disc disease can impact any segment in the spine but are most common in the neck and lower back. Poor posture and repetitive injuries are the leading causes of spinal disc degeneration in the neck or lower back. A degenerated or desiccated disc is a damaged and dehydrated disc that loses its strength and flexibility. Spinal disc degeneration in the neck is considered a serious health issue because it is the first stage of slipped disc development.
According to published studies, for a disc end the neck to slip, bulge, or herniate, it must first undergo degenerative changes, damaging the disc to a point where its natural resilience to continued stresses is diminished or lost altogether. Patients with degenerative disc disease in their neck or back need to be mindful of their everyday activity, including posture, to prevent slipped discs from developing.
How Common Is A bulging Or Herniated Disc In The Neck?
Not so long ago, a disc bulge or a herniated disc, commonly referred to as slip disc wash, was mainly diagnosed in adults over 50. Nowadays, young adults typically use cervical disc bulges and herniated discs in the neck. To make matters worse, bulging and herniated discs are on the rise amongst the younger generation because they spend many hours daily on computers and cell phones.
The neck has seven bones (C1 to C7). There are six spinal discs in the neck; their function is to provide weight-bearing for the head, help with mobility, provide shock absorbance, and connect the neck bones. Spinal discs are classified based on their position, reflecting the vertebrae (neck bones or segments) they connect or represent. The first disc in the neck is situated between C2-C3 (the second and third vertebrae). The last disc in the neck is found at C7-T1, connecting the last neck bone to T1, which is the first segment of the upper back.
What Is A Cervical Disc Bulge, Herniated Disc & Slip Disc In The Neck?
Slip disc or slipped disc are the two most common terms used to describe bulging, prolapsed, protruded, ruptured, herniated, or extruded spinal discs. Slip discs, including bulging, protruded, and herniated discs, occur in patients with existing degenerative changes in their spinal joints but, most notably, in the spinal disc.
A disc bulge or a herniated disc is a medical condition reflective of damage in the architecture of the disc, causing it to swell and protrude outwards or beyond its confined borders and limits. A disc bulge is a term descriptive of a mild slipped disc, while the protruded, prolapsed, herniated, and extruded discs describe moderate to severe forms of slipped discs. Disc bulge and disc herniations in the neck are painful conditions. The pain experienced from a bulging disc may be limited to the neck and top of the shoulders. However, a herniated disc (a severe form of a disc bulge) can become severely painful and cause symptoms in the neck, upper back, arms, hands, fingers, and legs.
What Are The Different Types of Disc Bulges?
A disc bulge is descriptive of a contained slip disc. In other words, disc fibers swell and slightly protrude with disc bulges, but they do not compress the spinal cord or nerves. However, the term disc bulge is now the to-go-to term for all types of slipped discs by doctors and patients. The three most severe forms of bulging discs in the neck or slipped discs are:
- Ruptured or herniated discs in the neck
- An extruded disc in the neck
- Fragmented disc in the neck
A herniated disk in the neck is a severe form of disc bulge with tor fibers compressing the neck’s spinal cord or spinal nerves. In contrast, an extruded disc in the neck is a severe type of ruptured or herniated disc that occupies the spinal canal, severely compressing the spinal cord and nerve in the neck. In comparison, a fragmented disc is the progression of an extruded disc with parts of the disc chipping and floating in the spinal canal.
What Is The Difference Between A Disc Bugle & Herniated Disc?
Disc bulges, protrusions, and prolapsed discs are contained types of slipped discs. A disc bulge is a mild form of a slipped disc where the spinal disc fibers swell but do not compress the cord or spinal nerves. A prolapsed and protruded disc is the progression of a bulging disc that may compress the nerves.
A contained slipped disc is a type of spinal disc bulge or damage where the disc fibers are still intact. The intact fibers prevent the center of the disc (nucleus pulposus) from slipping and rupturing through, compressing, or pinching the spinal cord or spinal nerves at the neck.
A herniated, extruded, and fragmented disc describes non-contained slipped discs. In other words, herniated, extruded, and fragmented discs are conditions where disc fibers tear, allowing the nucleus pulposus (the soft gel-like center of the disc) to rupture through and compress the spinal cord and spinal nerves.
Herniated neck discs, including extruded and fragmented discs in the neck, are the most dangerous forms of a slipped disc because they can cause excruciating pain, disability, and paralysis in the arms or legs.
What Are The Typical Symptoms Of Disc Bulge In The Neck?
As mentioned, a disc bulge is a mild form of slip disc. Typical symptoms of the classic disc bulge include stiffness, discomfort, or pain in the neck, top of the shoulder, and upper back. When the disc bulge progresses to the stage of prolapse or protrusion, you may feel numbness, tingling, burning sensations in the shoulder, arms, hands, or fingers and neck discomfort and upper back pain.
Typical Symptoms Of Disc Hernia (Herniated Or Ruptured Disc) In The Neck?
A ruptured disc is a herniated disc in which spinal disc fibers tear, allowing the disk’s center (nucleus pulpous) to herniate or rupture through and compress the spinal cord and spinal nerves.
Symptoms of a herniated or ruptured disc depend on their severity. Large disc herniations, including extruded and fragmented discs, are most dangerous as they can obliterate the spinal cord and nerves. Extruded and fragmented disks result when a herniated or ruptured disc progresses or becomes worse. Classic symptoms of spinal disc hernia resulting from a herniated or ruptured disc include pain in the neck and upper back, numbness, tingling, burning sensation, and weakness in the upper extremities (shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers).
A severe disc hernia in the neck resulting from an extruded or fragmented disc is the leading cause of spinal canal stenosis. Spinal canal stenosis in the neck typically results from large slip discs (large herniations, extrusions & fragmentations), causing weakness and paralysis. Therefore, getting treatment for your neck pain is crucial as soon as possible to prevent the development or progression of slip discs. The good news we can share with you is that most forms of slip discs, including large disc herniations and extrusions, are treatable if you get customized treatments that fix and repair the damage without injections or surgery.
How Serious Is A Bulging Or Herniated Disc In The Neck?
Slip disc conditions, such as bulging and herniated discs, are serious health issues that cause pain and disability. A severe disc bulge, such as a herniated or extruded disc, can compress the spinal cord and spinal nerves to a point where it leads to excruciating neck pain and paralysis. Therefore, it is advisable not to neglect chronic neck pain, especially neck problems caused by bulging and herniated discs.
Can A Bulging, Herniated & Slip Disc In The Neck Be Treated Without Surgery?
The good news is that bulging, herniated discs, and slipped discs are treatable without injection or surgery. Treatment for a bulging disc differs from the typical neck pain treatment, as it targets root causes that lead to disc bulging or herniations. Spinal disc hernia (a bulging & herniated disc) responds well to a combined and integrative neck treatment by specialized physiotherapists (physical therapists) and evidence-based Doctors of Chiropractic.
How To Relieve Neck Pain?
The best way to relieve neck pain is to stop doing harmful things and start doing things that help your recovery. If you can implement both simultaneously, your recovery will be fast and lasting. As such, the first thing you will need to follow is these helpful tips:
- Be mindful of your posture during sleep and while at work
- Avoid prolonged or excessive use of laptops and cell phones
- Use hot packs or ice packs. Ice packs relieve acute neck pain, and hot packs reduce chronic neck issues.
- Make sure that you get 6-8 hours of sleep
- Avoid carrying heavy backpacks
- Stop any activity that worsens your neck pain
How To Cure Neck Pain Fast?
To cure neck pain fast, you need to follow our advice on relieving neck pain combined with specialized treatments to repair your neck’s damaged or injured parts. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis is the first step in curing your neck pain. The second step is getting the proper treatment for your neck. The best treatment program for a painful or stiff neck is physiotherapy with chiropractic combined. By combining physiotherapy with evidence-based chiropractic, you leverage both benefits for faster relief that cures neck pain.
How To Reduce Neck Pain Fast?
Ice therapy (cryotherapy) reduces swelling and pain faster without side effects when properly executed. The fastest way of relieving neck pain quickly is by icing your neck. Get a reusable ice pack (with gel inside) that remains semiflexible when frozen. Freeze the gel pack (reusable ice pack) for 2 hours before use. Once ready, wrap the ice pack with a thick cloth and place it on your neck. Using a timer, ice your neck for 15-minutes. Do not over ice or ice for less than 10-minutes. Repeat ice therapy every 2-3 hours for maximum impact.
Neck Pain Treatment In Kuala Lumpur With An Unrivalled Rate Of Recovery & Success
Chiropractic Specialty Center® provides the best neck treatment in KL for neck pains, including spondylosis, arthritis, and slipped discs. What makes us better than competing centers is our:
- Advanced methods of neck care
- Highly sophisticated therapy devices
- 15 years of experience
- Integrative methods that combine chiropractic with physiotherapy
If you want the most effective neck treatment program in Kuala Lumpur, contact one of our centers in KL today.
Almost everyone has experienced a degree of neck pain. Neck pains are becoming more common now than ever before. Today, neck issues are the number one health issue in the world! It is fast becoming a leading cause of disability in almost all nations worldwide. Non-surgical treatments and lifestyle changes are needed to stop the rapid rise in neck patients. Shockingly, even children are now experiencing neck pain. The common cause of neck pain in children and adults is excessive mobile device usage.
Neck patients often turn to medication, patches, and balms or live with their pain Medication, ointments, or neglecting your pain will not make it go away. Neck issues arise when the neck joints become weak or unstable. Instabilities and weakness in neck muscles, upper back muscles, and muscles of your shoulders are the main culprits in a frail neck.
Your Neck Connects To Your Shoulder, Chest, Upper Back, face & jaw Joints.
The Platysma muscles connect your neck with the chest, shoulder, face, and jaws. The multifidus, erector spine, levator scapula, and trapezius are the muscles that connect your neck to the upper back. Most have not heard of or know of the platysma muscle. However, a problem in one of these areas can cause pain in the neck. And vice-versa, the neck can cause referred pain to the shoulder, upper back, chest, arms, hands, jaws, and even cause tinnitus.
Tinnitus is a disturbing feeling of fullness in the ears or rigging-like sensations. The most common cause of tinnitus is issues related to the middle ear. The middle ear connects to the TMJ’s articular disc (specialized adding in the jaw joint).
Holistic neck pain treatment is impossible without addressing all aspects of neck issues, especially in patients with chronic neck pain. Patients with neck pain must thoroughly assess their jaws, shoulders, chest, and upper back. CSC’s clinical team of chiropractors & physiotherapists are the experts you need through assessment and comprehensive neck therapies.
If you suffer from neck pain or stiffness, visit centers that provide comprehensive treatments from chiropractors and physiotherapists. Combining chiropractic, physiotherapy, and focused neck rehabilitation programs into a singular system of neck treatment. Visit a chiropractic Specialty Center® today for expert assessment & treatment of your jaw, neck, chest, shoulder & upper back.
What Is The Most Common Cause Of Neck Discomfort & Pain?
Neck pain results from increased stresses on neck joints, muscles, ligaments, and spinal discs. Common causes of neck pain include tech neck (text neck), muscle spasms, muscle strains & ligamentous strains. In addition, conditions such as jaw issues (TMD), slipped discs (bulging, herniated, protruded & prolapsed discs) & neck degenerative and arthritic changes (cervical spondylosis) can cause mild to disabling neck pain.
Tight neck muscles or muscle spasms in the neck: Most believe that a stiff and tight neck results from muscle spasms. A muscle spasm is a self-limiting condition that doesn’t result in chronic pain or stiffness. So, if you experience frequent tightness, stiffness, and discomfort in your neck, the chance the underlying cause is most likely worn-out neck joints or spinal discs.
Chronic muscle and recurrent neck spams are typical findings in patients’ necks with joint and disc degeneration. Degenerative joints and degenerative spinal discs are the leading causes of herniated or bulging discs. Herniated and bulging discs are commonly called slipped discs that pinch or compress nerves. Once nerves or the spinal cord gets compressed, it becomes a life-changing event causing pain, stiffness, and discomfort.
A pinched neck nerve is the most common cause of recurrent muscle spams, mainly if they occur in the neck, traps (top of the shoulders), or upper back. Degenerative joint and degenerative disc disease is the leading cause of nerve impingement and pain.
Additional causes of neck pain include:
- Poor sitting or standing posture (improper sitting posture leads to weakening of muscles, ligaments, and joints)
- Poor sleeping posture (sleeping on your side on your stomach places undue stresses on soft tissues and joints of the neck, causing them to degenerate and wear out faster)
- Excessive computer use or laptop use as seen with tech neck (text neck)
- Sports injuries, accidents, or motor vehicle collisions that you did not sufficiently manage are a leading cause of neckaches and painful neck for many.
- Too much time spent on the laptop, pads & cell phones is damaging to every tissue in your neck, including joints, muscles, ligaments, discs, spinal nerves, and spinal discs. Tech neck and text neck conditions are real & genuine, but most fail to heed the warning! If you have neck pain or a stiff neck, start limiting your time on your handheld or mobile device today!
- Stress & anxiety causes your neck muscles to tighten and cause stiffness and pain, especially if some degenerative or pre-existing neck issues are present.
- Dehydration harms every cell in your body, including your neck. If you don’t meet the minimal intake of daily fluids of at least 1.5 litter, you may experience symptoms, including stiffness in muscles, ligaments, joints, and neck.
Chronic Neck Pain: Cervical Spondylosis, Slipped Discs & TMD
Millions live with severe neck disorders needlessly. Neck pain is fast becoming the most common complaint. An aching, stiff, or painful neck is a treatable condition without the need for drugs or surgery.
Today, spondylosis in the neck, jaw issues (TMJ problems), and slipped discs are the most common causes of neck problems globally. Spondylosis is the combination of degeneration, arthritis, and slipped discs. It results when people ignore mild or minor stiff necks.
Chrnic neck pain also result for degerantve changes in vertebrl endplates. The vertebral endplate offers an attachment point for the disc. Degenerative changes near the endplate or spinal bone edges lead to decreased spinal disc hydration and eventually slipped disc. Modic Type-1 and Modic Type-2 are examples of degenerative changes that impact the spinal disc and the health of your neck.
The jaw joints have shared muscles with the neck, face, and chest through the Platysma muscles. Therefore, injury or damage to the platysma fibbers can lead to symptoms in all related areas. Jaw problems are missed in most patients as they rarely cause pain or become painful because there is no pain-sensing nerve in the jaw joint. So, if you have a clicking sound in your jaw when you chew, or if your jaw joint deviates to one side, you possibly have jaw problems, which can further aggravate neck issues.
On the other hand, slipped disc is due to degenerative changes within a disc, resulting in spinal disc tears and eventual slippage. In other words, chronic neck pain conditions are avoidable and even reversible. Unfortunately, our modern lifestyles have turned neck problems into chronic health issues that we can no longer ignore.
Excessive usage of mobile devices is the leading cause of neck damage.
Chronic neck pain can have grave consequences when ignored. About two-thirds of the world’s population experience chronic neck symptoms. Chronic neck problems are fast becoming an epidemic; for some, it is the leading cause of disability and even paralysis.
Neck Pain Tinnitus & Jaw Or TMJ Pain
Neck pain patients may experience shoulder pains, upper & mid back pain, pain between the shoulder blades, jaw problems, and ringing in the ears (tinnitus), which we collectively call co-conditions. When it comes to neck pain, there are no coincidences! For listing relief, you will need to address all associated conditions holistically. Holistic neck pain treatment is not possible without identifying all causes and treating them comprehensively. CSC’s expert clinical team thoroughly repairs and fixes neck pain without injections or surgery.
Neglecting Minor Discomfort Can Lead To Slipped Disc, Spinal Canal Stenosis, Spondylosis & Bone Spurs
Neglect of a minor illness is the main factor in premature degenerative changes. A slipped disc can now impact even a child. Neglecting minor aches and discomfort is rampant in adults and kids alike. We all follow the no pain, no gain mentality to a certain degree. However, it shouldn’t apply when recovering from a health condition. So, visit us if you or a loved one complains of occasional or frequent neck issues.
Link Between Slipped Disc, Spondylosis & Canal Stenosis
Slipped disc, spondylosis, bone spurs, and spinal canal stenosis result from neglecting minor issues. Constant or frequent aches in the neck are signs of instabilities in muscles, ligaments, spinal discs, or spinal joints.
When one neglects minor issues or gets improperly treated, it leads to damage. For example, a damaged spinal disc leads to a slipped disc & spondylosis. The most common finding in patients with a slipped disc in the neck is bone spurs or facet hypertrophy. In addition to the bone spurs, patients may present with varying ligamentous hypertrophy or thickening. Thickening or hypertrophy of ligaments of the neck is common in those who neglect a frequent flare-up.
Clinical speaking, the most dangerous thickening is the thickening of ligamentum flavum. Ligamentum flavum thickening or hypertrophy is the leading cause of spinal canal stenosis. Spinal canal stenosis compresses the spinal cord and spinal nerves. A severely compressed spinal cord can lead to partial or complete paralysis.
Surgeons recommend neck surgery for canal stenosis, thickening of ligamentum flavum, or slipped disc resulting from a slipped disc. But, you don’t have to have surgery to recover from neck pain or a slipped disc. Even canal stenosis and hypertrophy of ligamentum flavum are treatable without surgery or injections!
Neck Pain & Spine Surgery
Spine surgery is on the rise. However, spine surgery fails to provide the long-term relief sufferers need for a healthy, active life.
As mentioned earlier, neck issues originate from weakness in muscles and ligaments. Muscles and ligaments of the neck provide stability for our neck needs. Chronic muscle and ligament issues are the leading factors in developing slipped discs, spondylosis, spinal stenosis, and bone spurs. In short, slipped disc patients suffer from co-condition that impacts the slipped disc segment in the adjacent segments. Spine surgery fails to address all neck pain comprehensively. Therefore, the need for frequent or additional surgical procedures.
In short, if you have neck issues, don’t ignore them. And if you have dismissed them and now suffer from a slipped disc, canal stenosis, or bone spurs, don’t make the mistake of opting for spine surgery. Even minor surgical intervention has complications. Surgery on the spine should be the absolute last option. In other words, you should exhaust an effective non-surgical route before opting for any form of surgery.
Chronic Neck Issues Can Lead To Life-Threatening Conditions
Most neck discomfort results from poor posture or weaknesses in muscles and ligaments, which are treatable and recoverable without injections or surgery.
Our collaborative team of chiropractors and physiotherapists has the technology, knowledge, and skills to successfully treat even severe neck conditions.
Daily, we handle numerous spondylosis cases, slipped disc patients, spinal stenosis patients, and those that have had failed surgical interventions. We have the solution you need if you are experiencing neck discomfort or pain. CSC is the premier non-surgical center for the best neck pain treatment program to replace surgery or injections. We leverage the incredible power of evidence-based chiropractors, clinical physiotherapy, and customized rehabilitation programs through highly sophisticated therapy devices to personalize your neck pain treatment.
Muscles & Ligaments And Their Impact On The Neck (Cervical Spine)
Muscles assist in motion and movement, while ligaments ensure joint stability. That by itself answers the impact of muscles and ligaments. However, its influence increases several times higher for those in pain. Muscles and ligaments keep joints stable and functioning close to 100%. When muscles and ligaments become weak or loose, pain manifests.
Neck Pain Treatment Focusing On Nerves, Muscles & Ligaments
Muscles make our joints and bodies move. Ligaments connect bones. Muscles and ligaments are crucial soft tissues that enable connectivity and mobility. Nerve impingements or compressions are the most common cause of recurrent muscle spasms, trigger points, or stiff neck and upper back.
Muscles and ligaments connect to the neck, the upper back, and the shoulder. Pain between the shoulder blades or at the shoulders is a common symptom of bulging or herniated discs that compress nerves and irritate the upper back and shoulder muscles. Suppose you suffer from chronic neck pain or stiffness that runs down to the shoulder or impacts the area between your shoulder blades. In that case, you need customized and holistic neck pain treatment that addresses nerves, muscles, ligaments, spinal discs, and joints in your neck.
The shoulders’ ligaments, muscles, and tendons can also impact the neck and upper back. The impact of shoulder soft tissues is most prevalent in patients with degenerative or pre-existing neck and upper back issues.
A painful shoulder, upper back discomfort, or stiff neck are interrelated and can present as co-conditions simultaneously. You will need specialized neck pain treatment customized to your specific diagnosis to recover. The best and most customizable neck pain treatment is the NSD Therapy® methods of non-invasive neck treatment provided by chiropractors and physiotherapists.
Nerve Pain & Neck Issues
When the muscles and ligaments in the neck become impaired, they can no longer support the spine in its natural position, and the spine begins to shift. Over time, this change in the spine places an abnormal strain on the discs that separate the vertebrae and can eventually lead to disc degeneration, nerve irritation, and osteoarthritic changes. This shift in position can result in significant neck issues and, if neglected, can lead to surgical intervention.
Once irritated, the nerve no longer functions at 100%, and any part of the body that the nerve innervates will not perform at 100%.
This loss of function can result in significant difficulties, including but not limited to loss of strength in hands and even paralysis. Thus, it would be best if you didn’t leave your condition untreated. Do not assume that this problem will miraculously disappear.
A painful cervical spine is often a sign of a dangerous condition caused by compressed (pinched) nerves. Pinched nerves are the most common cause of disability, resulting in those under 50. Regardless of the reason, seek care and do not ignore your health. Problems are much easier to solve when they are fresh.
Can Medication Cure Neck Problems?
To manage neck symptoms, most take medication to cover up the problem (painkiller and analgesic creams). Some go for massages or use hot packs to relieve neck stiffness and discomfort. While medication and analgesic creams reduce and make life tolerable, they are not the curve. TO cure neck symptoms such as pain, stiffness, and burning sensation, you will have to get customized neck treatment that fixes and repairs the root causes of your symptoms.
Treating The Spine With Physiotherapy, Chiropractic & Advanced Technology
Our care methods will help you even if medication, physiotherapy, chiropractic in Malaysia, or exercise has failed. We provide target-specific neck pain treatments that others don’t have. Call one of our centers to see if we can help. We have helped thousands with stiff neck recover without needing spine surgery or medication. We hope to do the same for you. So don’t neglect your stiff neck or painful neck! We can help.
When choosing between drugs or natural holistic care, always choose the route with the most negligible consequences. Many take medication and harmful drugs, including a steroidal injection, to ease a stiff neck (painful neck). While they may offer some temporary benefits, the long-term implication is not worth taking the risk.
Therapy offers corrective means, which drugs are incapable of providing the same. Medication numbs the nerves, leaving the root cause behind and brewing. In other words, the pain may keep coming back, time and again.
Pain medication is somewhat safe for the short-term but better when given physiotherapy treatment. Medication can reduce neck pain symptoms but does little to address nerve irritation, joint dysfunction, and degeneration or disc deterioration. Therefore, the symptoms will eventually come back, and you will have to return to the physiotherapist time and time again.
Corrective Neck Treatments For Lasting Relief
Opt for Treatment at Chiropractic Specialty Center®. We have the Best Treatment Options Without Surgery or Injection. Let our Clinical Spine and Joint teams get to the Root Cause of your Pain.
Spine and Joint treatment at Chiropractic Specialty Center® are better. We are better because of our knowledge, technology, and integrative methods that treat your neck issues’ actual causes. We will customize a specific corrective treatment plan that fixes and repairs your pain’s exact cause. Call us if you are looking for the best spine and joint treatment center.
Suppose you are looking for a long-term solution. In that case, you need CSC’s skilled team to accurately diagnose and treat the problem. It would help if you remembered that there are no silver bullets. If any promises you one, get away from them as soon as possible.
At Chiropractic Specialty Center®, we pride ourselves on being committed to diagnosing and treating your neck pain and its associated conditions. This approach begins with a complete case history and thorough examination. In addition, our corrective clinical chiropractors and physiotherapists pay particular attention to the spine’s structures and functions and their effects on the nervous system.
Leverage The Benefits Of Chiropractic, Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation For Your Neck
If you are looking for the best neck pain treatment, get treated by centers that leverage the benefits of corrective chiropractic, clinical physiotherapy, and rehabilitation through sophisticated therapy devices such as shockwave therapy, high-intensity laser therapy, and spinal decompression therapy for lasting relief.
None can achieve what we can, and none has the technology, skills, or knowledge that exceeds our teams’ abilities to treat even the severest neck pain. Today, visit one of our centers to reclaim your life—Malaysia’s premier spine, joint, and sports injuries treatment center. Our chiropractors offer the most practical research-based corrective chiropractic treatments, while our physiotherapist provides you with the best clinical physiotherapy for your condition.
What Is the Best Treatment For Neck Pain?
The best means of treating the neck is through conservative treatments that address the cause. Treatments should target muscles, ligaments, and neck joints if your condition is early. Chronic neck patients will require a more holistic approach. For those who suffer from a slipped disc, spondylosis, stenosis, spinal cord compression, or nerve root compression, we recommend NSD Therapy®.
Non-surgical spine decompression therapy or NSD Therapy® offers sufferers a non-surgical means of recovery.
Our centers are the only NSD Therapy® providers in Malaysia. The first thing you will need to do is call us for a consultation. Once our clinical teams have assessed your condition, they recommend a conservative measure with or without NSD Therapy®.
Treatment of neck patients in our centers is through an integrative method. We offer the best chiropractic and physiotherapy. Our clinical teams of chiropractors and physical therapists may prescribe Ultrasound therapy, interferential current therapy, DTS traction, spinal decompression (RxDecom®), ESWT shockwave therapy, trigger point therapy, high-intensity therapy laser therapy, cryo-thermal therapy, or soft tissue mobilizations. Also, chiropractic adjustments, rehabilitation, and targeted exercise therapy are incorporated and provided collaboratively as part of the care you get from us.
The goal is to fix the actual cause of pain. In short, the neck pain treatment you get from our award-winning chiropractic and physiotherapy center is second to none in Malaysia. Call one of our centers for neck pain treatment that fix & repairs damage without surgery or injections today!
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