TMJ Pain, TMJ Headache, And Jaw Disorders
Get your jaw pain, TMJ discomfort & clicking treated at CSC today. Our clinical teams of chiropractors & physiotherapists are your best therapy options in hopes of getting rid of TMJ pain. Don’t delay; call us now for an appointment today.
The Temporomandibular Joint Disorder(TMJ Disorder Or TMD) In Malaysia
The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) dysfunction (TMD) is a universal, all-encompassing term for disorders and conditions that affect the TMJ. It is important to understand and diagnose the exact cause of discomfort and disorder rather than group a given patient‘s condition under TMJ disorder.
Our clinical teams of chiropractors of CSC and physiotherapists of CSC have the knowledge and experience needed to accurately diagnosis the root cause of TMJ pain. Unlike others, our TMJ Treatment options are target and diagnosis-specific. In short, if you have TMJ pain, we have the skills, knowledge, and expertise to provide the relief and correction you seek.
Before we get started, it is essential to get a few things out of the way. First, we need to get the terms right. TMJ refers to a body part. TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint.
TMD refers to a disorder or dysfunction of the TMJ. TMD stands for Temporomandibular Dysfunction. It is essential because many use the term TMJ as if it is descriptive of a jaw disorder. So, when you visit one of our centers, we may refer to your jaw pain as TMD and not a TMJ. TMJ is the joint, while TMD relates to discomfort, pain, inflammation, or clicking of the jaw joint.
Is Physiotherapy Better Than Chiropractic Treatment For Jaw & TMJ Pain?
Physiotherapy and chiropractic are both great options for TMJ and jaw pain patients. However, it would be best if you can get physiotherapy combined with chiropractic treatment.
Chiropractors and physiotherapists both treat TMJ disorders, as do dentists. We have provided a brief overview of each of these three professions and their focus when it comes to TMJ problems below:
- Dentists treat the jaw with corrective dental repairs, realignment, TMJ surgery, and night guards. However, jaw surgery is only for severely fractured jaw joints.
- Physiotherapists treat jaw patients through manual works on the jaws or with therapy devices such as ultrasound, tens, or laser therapy.
- Chiropractors treat the TMJ through manual muscle work, jaw joint realignment or chiropractic treatment (adjustments).
At CSC we treat jaws by chiropractic combined with physiotherapy. Moreover, in some cases, we work with dentists to get patients, night guards. As such, we provide the most comprehensive non-surgical jaw and TMJ treatment program in Malaysia.
Our Jaw Pain Experts Will Work With Your Dentist To Help You Recover From A TMJ Disorder
Most believe that a Dentist is the most qualified healthcare practitioner for a TMJ disorder. A dentist is a skilled practitioner for the treatment and evaluation of a TMD disorder. However, a dentist‘s approach usually involves a surgical route, mouth guards, or a combination of the two. In our centers, our chiropractors and physiotherapists are well versed in the diagnosis and treatment of TMD.
We are the team you should have if you have a TMD. Best of all, we work with several local dentists who can provide mouth guards when needed. Before we discuss TMJ treatment options, it might be beneficial to give you some guidance on the homecare you need.
What Are The Best Self Help Tips For Jaw Pain?
If you have hurt or injured your jaws, you will need to incorporate some of the ideas we have provided below to help your recovery. The first thing we want to point out is to avoid putting heat on the jaws. Many doctors and therapists advise their patients when they recommend moist heat. Moist heat is a good muscle relaxer. But, often, it leads to an additional inflammatory reaction that worsens injury or pain. So, instead of putting hot packs or moist heat, trying ice packs.
Homecare with ice packs will reduce pain and inflammation (swelling) in the jaw joints and soft tissues. It would help if you never placed the ice pack directly on your skin. Always use a cloth between the ice pack and the skin. Additionally, avoid icing the jaws for more than 15 minutes. This is the most helpful hint we can provide you.
Secondly, you will need to be careful when chewing food. TMJ patients, regardless of the cause, do better when they eat soft foods. Soft foods are less chewy foods, and as such, require little effort from the jaws. Also, it would help if you avoided candy, gum, or big bites out of your sandwich. Above all, never rest your jaw on your hands. When resting the jaws on a closed fist or palms of the hand, you force the jaws to become weight-bearing. The jaw joint is not a weight-bearing joint. So. avoid any position or activity that places excessive stress on your jaw joint.
Why Muscle Relaxant Is Useless In Treatment Of TMJ Pain?
Many prescribe muscle relaxants to jaw pain patients. Jaw pain and injury treatments through muscle relaxants have provided minimal help if any. The muscle relaxants you take impact every tissue in your body and not just the jaw muscles. So, taking muscle relaxants with any musculoskeletal disorder is usually not a good idea.
The best means of TMJ treatment is through a targeted method that repairs the damage from within. The most common cause of TMJ condition is an inflammatory process that results either from degenerative changes or an injury. Jaw muscle spasms occur when the soft tissues of the jaw are injured. So, treating through muscle relaxants is temporary help at best. As such, we discourage most patients from taking the muscle relaxant for TMJ pain, better known as a TMD.
In our centers, we treat your jaws through the combined efforts of our chiropractors and physiotherapists. In addition to the chiropractic or physiotherapy care you receive, we may treat you with some of the most advanced therapeutic devices. Our integrative therapy options have helped thousands, and we can help you today. Call or visit a Chiropractic Specialty Center® near you today.
Surgery For A Tempromandublaur Joint Dysfunction (TMJ Disorder)
Many have had a surgical intervention for their TMJ disorder. In the west, oral surgeons have begun advising their patients to seek a non-surgical intervention. The non-surgical intervention has proven to be the treatment of choice. So, if you are looking for a non-operative means of repair, visit one of our centers. We have the skills and knowledge to treat even the most painful TMJ disorder without drugs or surgery.
So, in our eyes, we are the most qualified healthcare professionals that you need to recover from a TMD. Best of all, our methods and systems of care are non-invasive and non-surgical. If you have a painful TMJ, visit any one of the many centers/clinics of Chiropractic Specialty Centers®, and you will be in good hands. Visit us and see our difference.
If you have jaw pain, we can help. Our clinical teams of top-rated chiropractors and physiotherapists have the skills needed to treat you non-invasively. Jaw pain can accompany headaches, neck stiffness or a painful neck. So when you do visit us, we will be evaluating every aspect of the jaw bone. Many centers fail because they ignore the associated conditions often linked to a TMJ malfunction. Our clinical team succeeds with jaw pain when others fail. Please don’t take our word for it; visit us today to start your recovery.
Neck Pain & TMJ Dysfunction
Neck pain is common. It can become severe enough to where it alters your lifestyle. But, even worse is the fact that TMJ pain syndrome or disorder occurs simultaneously with certain neck conditions. Conditions such as spinal canal stenosis, degenerated discs, bulging discs, and herniated discs often have an associated TMJ pain syndrome. Alternatively, most TMJ patients will exhibit neck issues. In short, recovery from neck pain and TMJ occurs when both conditions are treated simultaneously.
A slipped disc in the neck leads to muscular and ligamentous issues far beyond the neck. Slip disc symptoms include pain in the upper back, shoulder, arms, and even hands. These are known conditions related to a slipped disc. But, the involvement of TMJ is relatively unknown. As such, most with a TMJ disorder do not get the needed care for the neck issues. Patients with combined neck pain (slipped disc) and TMJ disorder require an accurate diagnosis. The best treatment for a slipped disc is NSD Therapy®.
How To Recover From A TMJ Headaches?
TMJ disorders are common causes of TMJ headaches. These headaches are the result of tense jaw muscles. Other causes include problems with the jaw joints, jaw ligaments, and jaw disc. The jaw disc is similar to the discs found in the spine. They provide cushioning and a smooth gliding surface for the jaw joint. TMJ headaches are often seen in patients who grind their teeth during sleep.
Girding of teeth or clenching of the jaw joints is called bruxism. Anxiety and stress are common causes of bruxism. Oftentimes, TMJ headache patients report facial pains and headaches in the morning. A TMJ headache commonly occurs at the temporal bones that run into the partial or occipital bones. Some will also experience a TMJ headache in their frontal or orbital bones.
To recover from a TMJ headache, you will need to address bruxism (grinding and clenching of teeth). Wearing mouth guards during sleep should help. You will also need some level of care from one of our physiotherapists and chiropractors to fix and repair any soft tissue (muscle, ligament, or jaw disc) issues.
NSD Therapy® For Neck Pain, Spinal Stenosis, Slipped Disc & Bone Spurs
NSD Therapy® can reverse damage to muscles, ligaments, joints, and even spinal discs. This is important for those that have jaw pain and neck pain. At our centers, we will thoroughly evaluate your jaws and your neck to identify the cause of your TMJ pain. We offer the best TMJ treatment in Malaysia.
Understanding The Jaw Joint (TMJ)
The TMJ’s distinctiveness is one of the many culprits of challenges associated with TMD patients’ treatments. So, before we start discussing therapy and therapeutic options, you need to understand the jaw joint. We believe a better understanding of the jaw joint may help your search for the best jaw pain treatment center in Malaysia.
The Temporomandibular Joint, Better Known As The “Jaw Joint,” Is A Bi-Arthrodial Hinge Joint.
This bi-arthrodial hinge joint allows complex life-sustaining movements such as those necessary for eating, swallowing, talking, and of course, yawing. We encourage you to learn as much as you can about your jaw. The more information you have, the better your chances for a successful treatment. Thus, the need for a better understanding of the jaw joint is critical for a complete recovery.
If you are unfortunate enough to have a dysfunction in your jaw joint, you need to understand the jaw problem’s complexities. Furthermore, we believe a thorough understanding of the jaw will prevent procrastination or Neglect of TMJ problems. Furthermore, a better understanding of the jaw joint will enable you to identify centers that are more interested in parting you from your hard-earned money rather than parting with your TMJ pain! Unfortunately, many claims to be able to treat the jaw joint but have limited skills and knowledge. It would help if you avoided centers with such limitations.
How To Find The Best Center For TMJ Pain Treatment In Malaysia
A sound awareness of the anatomy of the jaw joint and related structures is essential to the establishment of a correct diagnosis and appropriate care.
To get better, you, as a patient, must have a good understanding of the joint. Based on our previous experiences: patients with better understanding and knowledge of their condition heal and recover at a much faster rate as opposed to those with none or limited experience. So, it behooves you to learn as much as you can about your Jaw to ensure that you are getting the best care.
When you have a decent basic grasp of the jaw joint, you will have the ability to choose a clinician, therapist, clinic, or center that is most capable. Many centers claim to have the capacity to treat a TMJ problem but have an unacceptable amount of knowledge. You can avoid these unscrupulous centers, clinics, or individuals by having somewhat of an understanding. After all, it is your body, and you should not trust it to the novice.
Definition Of Terms Used For TMJ Dysfunction
We are pleased to bring you our list of TMJ terms used by our clinical teams and this website. Please review them, and should you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact one of our centers today.
The Jaw Joint: TMJ is an abbreviation for “Temporomandibular Joint.” The Temporomandibular Joint refers to your jaw joint. Each person has two; one on the right and the other on the left. The jawbones are directly in front of the ear.
TMD: The term TMD refers to a problematic jaw joint. Many refer to their jaw pain as a TMJ, which is incorrect as the term TMJ is ONLY reflective of the joint itself. TMD stands for Temporomandibular Disorder; in other words, Jaw Pain.
Articular Disc: The articular disc is a fibrous extension of the capsule that runs between the two articular surfaces of the Temporomandibular Joint. The disc articulates with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone above and the mandible condyle below. An articular disc divides the joint into two sections, each with its synovial membrane. In addition to attachments to both temporal and superior aspects of the mandibular condyle, the collateral ligaments also attach the disc to the condyle medially and laterally. The anterior disc attaches to the joint capsule and the superior head of the lateral pterygoid. The posterior portion connecting to the mandibular fossa is better known as the retro-discal tissue.
What Is Bruxism: (braksiz(e)m)
Involuntary habitual grinding of the teeth, typically during sleep. Individuals that have bruxism may also unconsciously clench their teeth during the day.
The Capsule Of The Jaw Joint:
The capsule is a fibrous membrane that surrounds the joint and attaches to the articular eminence, articular disc, and mandibular condyle’s neck.
Retrodiscal Tissue Of The Jaw Joint:
Unlike the disc itself, the retro-discal tissue is vascular and highly innervated. As a result, the retro-discal tissue is often a major contributor to the pain of Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD), particularly when there is inflammation or compression of the joint.
Synovium Of The Jaw Joint (syn•o•vi•um):
The synovium is a thin layer of tissue serving as the protective lining of joints and tendon sheaths. The synovium acts to control the environment within the joint and tendon sheath. It does this in two ways: first, it serves as a membrane to determine what can pass into the joint space and what stays outside; second, the cells within the synovium produce substances that lubricate the joint.
We hope you found this section of our website helpful. We aim to provide our patients and visitors with pertinent health-related information. Visit or call one of our centers if you have additional questions about jaw pain, TMD, or other health-related issues today. Our centers offer research-based clinical jaw pain treatment in Malaysia.
The level of expertise you can expect from our chiropractors and physiotherapist is second to none. So, if you have jaw pain, visit a Chiropractic Specialty Center® for the best clinical TMJ treatment for jaw disorders, TMJ headaches, clicking & TMJ pain in Malaysia today.