Slip-Disc Symptoms, Signs, Care & Therapy Options
Learn more about slip-disc symptoms from an experienced non-surgical slipped disc team of chiropractors & physiotherapists. CSC’s clinical teams, breakthrough methodology & technology can heal your pain; contact us today!
What are the Common Slip-Disc Symptoms & Signs?
Most are not familiar with slip-disc symptoms or the significance of a slip-disc. We hope to clarify the importance of slip-disc as well as the slip-disc symptoms in this article. A slip-disc (slipped disc) is a layperson’s term for the medical condition known as protruded disc, prolapsed disc, herniated disc, or bulging disc.
Contrary to the common belief, slip-disc can be present with mild or no pain.
Much Like the millions of heart disease, diabetes, or cancer patients, a slip-disc can be present with minimal to no symptoms at all. Therefore, regardless of the severity, slip-disc symptoms and signs should never be ignored. Initial slip-disc symptoms are often confusing to patients and even doctors. As a result, the vast majority of mild and even moderate slip-disc patients are misdiagnosed with muscle spasms.
Can Have A Slipped Disc Without Slip-Disc Symptoms?
Most are not familiar with slip-disc symptoms or the significance of a slip-disc. We hope to clarify the importance of slip-disc as well as the slip-disc symptoms in this article. A slip-disc (slipped disc) is a layperson’s term for the medical condition known as protruded disc, prolapsed disc, disc herniation, or bulging disc. Contrary to the common belief, slip-disc can be present with mild or no pain. Much Like the millions of heart disease, diabetes, or cancer patients, a slip-disc can be present with minimal to no symptoms at all. Therefore, regardless of the severity, slip-disc symptoms and signs should never be ignored. Initial slip-disc symptoms are often confusing to patients and even doctors. As a result, the vast majority of mild and even moderate slip-disc patients are misdiagnosed with muscle spasms.
Muscle Spasms & Slip-Disc Symptoms
A misdiagnosed slip-disc is the primary reason for the worsening of a slip-disc. Recovery from a slip-disc is not possible with a misdiagnosis. Therefore, in the coming paragraphs, we will elaborate on slip-disc and slip-disc symptoms. Our goal is to help you identify the underlying cause of your neck pain, upper back pain, low back pain, arm pain, or leg pain. Before we start our discussion, let’s shed light on some basic facts.
Basic Facts Of A Slipped Disc
Spinal discs do not slip; they herniate, protrude, bulge and prolapse. As mentioned before, slip-disc or slipped disc is a layperson’s term; therefore, it is critical to understand that a disc cannot move, slide or slip.
Slip disc happened when the jell-like soft inner portion of the spinal disc protrudes or ruptures through the firmer outer fibers. The inner fibers are known as the nucleolus pulposus, while the outer thread (fiber) is called the annular fibrosus.
Symptoms can vary based on where the spinal disc damage is and if that damage (slip-disc) is compressing the spinal cord or spinal nerves.
A couple of decades ago, slip-disc was more common in older adults. However, our modern lifestyles and all those handheld gadgets and prolonged sitting are the leading cause of slip-disc in young adults. Today, a slip-disc is more common in younger adults. Nowadays, we see more and more teenagers that present to our center with a slip-disc. Therefore, understanding the slip-disc symptoms is critical than it has ever been before.
What Are The Common Low Back Causes Of Slip-Disc Symptoms?
Early slip-disc symptoms can be confusing for some doctors and almost every patient. Pain in the lower back, buttocks, or legs is the most common slip-disc symptom in the low back. Additional symptoms such as arm pain or leg pain may also accompany a slip-disc.
The one sure sign of a possible slip-disc is recurrent neck pain & cervical spondylosis or back pain. In short, you may have a slip-disc if you get neck pain or back pain several times during the year, where these flare-ups last a couple of days or more. We have divided slip-disc symptoms into two categories, the hidden slip-disc symptoms and the classic slip-disc symptoms.
What Are The Classic Slip-Disc Symptoms For The Neck?
A slip-disc can occur at any part of the spine, from the neck down to the lowest portion of the low back. The lower back is the most common site for a slip-disc. The second most common site for a slip-disc is the neck. The neck and low back slip-disc disorder are more common as these are the most mobile segments of the spine. Slip-disc symptoms are always linked to nerve root irritation resulting from the nerves’ impingement by the protruding (slipping) spinal disc. Below is a list of the most common, textbook-symptoms of slip-disc:
- Pain in the neck or back
- The pain involving one side of the body
- Pain that extends into the hips, thighs, knees, and leg
- Shoulder, arm, elbow, or wrist pain
What Are The Hidden Slip-Disc Symptoms?
While the classic symptoms may be well known, the less visible signs and symptoms of a slip-disc are the more important ones. Therefore, knowing these hidden slip-disc symptoms are an advantage. The most common hidden slip-disc symptoms are listed below:
- Numbness or tingling in the upper back, shoulder and arms, wrists, hands, or fingers
- Tingling and numbness in the buttocks, thighs, legs, feet, or toes
- Pain or discomfort upon coughing or sneezing
- Pain that is worse at night
- Increasing discomfort or pain upon prolonged walking or standing
- Weakness in the arms, legs, hands, legs, or feet
- Burning sensation in the upper back, buttocks, hips, legs, shoulder, or arms
What Should You Do If You Have One Or More Of The Signs Mentioned?
We like to take a few moments and remind everyone that symptoms can vary from individual to individual. The information presented here is to help your search find competent medical professionals who can identify the cause of your slip-disc and not just hand over a bag full of muscle relaxers or painkillers. The best advice we can provide is to visit one of our centers. We have some of the best chiropractors in Sri Petaling, Malaysia. On top of this, our care methods are coupled with the best clinical physiotherapy and advanced technology that others do not have.
Physiotherapy rendered by one of our clinical physiotherapists is the best-targeted method of non-surgical slip-disc treatment in Malaysia. To summarize, the care and level of expertise we offer are unmatched anywhere in Southeast Asia. We back our claims through our proven records of reversing slip-disc. Chiropractic Specialty Center is the ONLY center in Malaysia to have successfully reversed a herniated spinal disc. Our treatments can fix a slipped disc through technology that others do not have. In fact, we are the only center that has clinical documentation proving the effectiveness of our proven slipped disc treatment, as provided through serial MRI assessments (pre and Post-therapy MRI). Don’t waste time on ineffective methods offered by inexperienced individuals. If you want the best, visit us and judge for yourself.
Muscle Relaxers, Painkillers & Slipped Disc
We launched our center a decade ago and, throughout these years, assessed thousands of neck pain and back pain sufferers who were diagnosed with sprain/strains or muscle spasms when, in fact, they suffered from a slip-disc. The majority of them have prescribed muscle relaxers, painkillers, or bed rest. Painkillers can reduce some of your pain, while muscle relaxers will do little but make you drowsier. Therefore, painkillers should be used only to subdue some of the slip-disc symptoms while you get targeted therapeutic care. Medication alone is never advised, at least not by our clinical team members. We know better!
Can Medication Cure Slip-Disc Symptoms?
Pain is the most common symptom in a slip-disc patient. It can dull or sharp, localized, or generalized. But, as the condition progresses, it may start to radiate to the arms and legs. Some start taking painkillers, muscle relaxers or get injections with the hope of curing their symptoms. However, these are just temporary fixes at best. Painkillers, muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatories, and injections are not cures most believe to be. They can do more harm. Back pain and neck pain will never kill you, but some of the medications prescribed to neck and back pain patients have killed many. So, avoid the pitfalls of a slip-disc by treating the root causes.
How Serious Is Numbness, Tingling, Burning, Or Shock-Like-Sensation In Arms or Legs?
Paresthesia (numbness, tingling, or burning sensations) is often present after the onset of pain. Numbness, tingling, and burning sensations are signs of nerve damage. The vast majority of those that experience these symptoms are those with a rapidly progressive slip-disc issue. So, the need for urgent attention, accurate diagnosis, and targeted treatments are critical.
Additionally, some slip-disc patients may experience “electric shock” like sensations in the arms, upper back, or legs. Neglect of numbness, tingling, burning sensations, or electric shock-like sensations can lead to permanent damage, including paralysis. Neglect of a slip-disc will result in muscle weakness followed by muscle atrophy.
Besides a reduction in motor function, the body’s systemic capacity will also be limited. Your spinal nerves also innervate your organs. Incontinence, constipation, asthma, erectile dysfunction, and other reproductive issues are common slipped-disc patients’ findings. Do not allow your body to undergo so much nerve damage. Get it treated at the onset of slip-disc symptoms & sings with CSC’s breakthrough therapy options; call us now to start your care today!