Chiropractic And Physiotherapy Training Session Made Us The Best
Chiropractic and physiotherapy training session is the reason why we get results when others fail! Get your treatments from a center that is committed to research and continuing education programs; contact us today!
Our Expert Clinical Chiropractic And Physiotherapy Training Makes Us Better
Chiropractic and physiotherapy training is mandatory for all of our physiotherapists and chiropractors in Malaysia. Our chiropractor’s and physiotherapists’ training program is through lectures, practical hands-on training, and technical and research-based treating sessions. Training usually lasts for 4-8 weeks.
Csc’s stringent chiropractic and physiotherapy training programs are the main reasons why our patients get better faster. In addition, our chiropractors and physiotherapists learn the latest evidence-based methods of the non-surgical spine and joint care. As a result, the successes we achieve are greater than competing centers.
We are not aware of any other center or clinic with an intensive training program. Hence, when you visit one our-our centers, rest assured, our clinical team has the skills and knowledge to create even the most severe condition.
What Made CSC Better At Spine & Joint Care?
CSC’s in-house training and education programs made our spine & joint treatments better! The video on this page showed one of the training sessions we had with our chiropractors and physiotherapists. Training programs and continuing education is a mandatory part of our operating procedures. Science is changing by leaps and bounds. The fields of the spine and joint care are changing at the speed of light. Research is continuously increasing the rates of non-surgical intervention. In our centers, we hold regular training sessions for all employees to ensure that they stay informed of the new literature published in medical journals.
Physiotherapy has been around for approximately 140 years. Chiropractic started in 1895. Both of these professions have their share of good and bad practitioners. However, the training and continued self-improvement are what sets the good apart from the bad. At Chiropractic Specialty Center®, we hold regular training and educational courses for all our clinical staff. We do this to serve our patients better.
Yama Zafer, D.C., our director, and founder explains the difference between the good and the bad. Dr. Zafer, a US Board Certified Doctor of Chiropractic, relates these differences in our in-house training and education seminars.
Our Chiropractic And Physiotherapy Training Enables Us To Treat You Better.
Training of our clinical staff has resulted in success where others have failed. When you visit a Chiropractic Specialty Center®, you can rest assured that the care you get is world-class. We make sure of it. We hold regular training and drill sessions to improve every aspect of neck pain, back pain, slip-disc treatments.
Our Chiropractors and Physiotherapists Training course is an excellent example of how serious we are about knowledge.
The chiropractors and physiotherapists of a Chiropractic Specialty Center® are the experts of spine, joint, and sports injuries. CSC’s NSD Therapy® methods method for a slipped disc is better and more efficient than any other center in town. So don’t just take our word for it; experience our team’s therapy, skills, and knowledge, and compare us to others.
We hold regular training for all our clinical staff. Through these courses, we have harnessed their skills and knowledge to a level exceeding world-class standards. And then, we provided them with advanced spinal decompression technology that others do not have. The combined clinical knowledge enhances skills, and advanced technology is our secret weapon against pain. So if you are in pain, we can help.
Why We Focus So Much On Training?
We spend a lot of time training our clinical teams so they can treat you better. We are not the average chiropractic or physiotherapy center. Being average or second best is not in line with our clinical views. We aim to be the best at chiropractic and physiotherapy.
Being the best at anything takes work, practice, and effort. It is that simple. Therefore, we continually hold training programs weekly. Yes, weekly training of all our staff. Also, we require our clinical teams to read published research and provide a detailed report of what they have learned. These are just some of the things we have done to ensure the care you get is through clinical research-based methods.
Our training and continuing education programs enable us to provide our patins the best evidence-based chiropractic care in Malaysia. In addition, all our chiropractors are required to research advanced methods of care. As a result, we have helped patients that competing centers could not help. So, if you have lost hope or are others have told you to live with your pain, call us. Our research-based clinical teams are world-class chiropractors and physiotherapists.
Together they have relieved the suffering of thousands who sought our help. We are confident in our abilities, knowledge, and skills. So call us today and get care from the best clinical non-surgical team in Malaysia today. Chiropractic Specialty Center®’s dedication to continuing education and training programs enables you to get relief when hospitals or competing centers failed to reduce your pain.
CSC’s chiropractors & physiotherapist training programs enable us to provide you with the best-customized treatments for the spine, joints & sports injuries; contact one of our centers today!
I am a alternative physician and want to join the training.
Dear Doc,
Unfortunately, we do not provide training programs for non-team members as our seating has been limited as a protective measure against the spread of Covid.