Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Treatment By Jaw Experts
Get corrective non-invasive temporomandibular joint dysfunction care & therapy from jaw pain experts in Malaysia. Learn about symptoms, signs & the best treatment options when you call us today!
Say Goodbye To Your Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (Jaw Pain)!
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD) is a universal, all-encompassing term for disorders and conditions that affect the TMJ (jaw joint). It is important to understand and diagnose the exact cause of discomfort and dysfunction rather than group a given patient‘s condition under TMJ disorder. Time spent on diagnosis can make a huge difference when it comes to the outcome of care. It is for this reason that our research-based chiropractors and clinical physiotherapists will spend lots of time studying your particular case before making a final diagnosis, especially when it comes to Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, better known as a TMJ disorder or by its acronym: TMD).
Before we get started, it is important to get a few things out of the way. First and foremost, we need to get the terms right. TMJ refers to a body part. TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint. TMD refers to a disorder or dysfunction of the jaw joint. TMD stands for Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction: an important point to remember, as some are confused about using the term “TMJ.” Some have even attempted to correct us. So, please keep in mind that when you come to our office complaining of jaw pain, we may refer to it as a TMD and not TMJ.
Why Our Clinical Teams Like To Collaborate With A Dentist For TMD Disorders
Jaw pain patients are our center are often treated in collaboration with the patient’s dentist. We have referred the man to dentists for nightguards. The customized nightguards, coupled with the corrective care we provide, are second to none in Maylisa. Therefore, if you have a Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD), contact us today for holistic treatments that repair the damage without injections or surgery.
Most believe that a Dentist is a qualified healthcare practitioner to treat fa temporomandibular joint dysfunction. That would be a correct assumption because a dentist is a qualified practitioner to treat and evaluate a Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction. But, yet a dentist‘s approach usually involves a surgical route, mouthguard, or a combination of the two. Our chiropractors in SP and physiotherapists are well-versed in the diagnosis and treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction in our centers. We are the team you should have if you have a Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD). Best of all, we can combine our efforts with your dentist (mouthguard) for even better results.
Should You Opt For Surgical Intervention?
Jaw surgery has numerous complications. The only time we would recommend jaw surgery is if there are complicated fractures. Aside from that, it is best if you avoid surgery. Common surgical complications of jaws include nerve damage, muscle damage, damage to jaw joints, paralysis of facial muscles, and damage to cranial nerves. Many have had a surgical intervention for their TMD. In the West, oral surgeons have begun advising their patients to seek a non-surgical intervention. The non-surgical intervention has proven to be the treatment of choice.
It has been proven to be more efficient in both the short and the long term. Therefore, in our eyes, we are the most qualified healthcare professionals that you need to recover from a TMD(Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction). Best of all, our methods and systems of care are non-invasive and non-surgical. If you have a painful TMJ, visit any of the many centers/clinics of Chiropractic Specialty Centers®, and you will be in good hands. Visit us and see our difference.
Anatomy Of the “Jaw Joint” & How It Impacts The Recovery From A “Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction.”
You will need to understand the jaw if you are a jaw pain (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction) sufferer. Understanding the jaw joint is not complete until you know the jaw joint’s anatomy. The jaw joint is a complex joint, and a problem or a malfunction with this joint can create jaw pain and a host of other terrible illnesses and disorders.
Jaw pain is perhaps one of the most commonly occurring problems globally, yet many go on suffering needlessly. Most who suffer from jaw pain do so because they were either not diagnosed early or received inappropriate treatments. Jaw disorder can sometimes present itself as an upper neck pain, slip-disc, headaches (migraines), or even ringing in the ears (Tinnitus). The most common reason why there are so many misdiagnosed Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction cases is that the disorder can present itself as neck pain, headaches, dizziness, nausea, and even loss of energy. Visit a Chiropractic Specialty Center® today to start living a healthy life without drugs or medication. Or even ringing in the ears. This point is important, especially if these symptoms are not responding to the conventional therapies and treatments given.
Opt For Focused Treatments From Our Collaborative Spine & Joint Teams
Spine and Joint treatments rendered through our clinical teams are focused and targeted to address the actual cause of pain or dysfunction. The same applies when we treat pateints with jaw pain. Jaw pain and jaw dysfunction are possibly the most difficult problems to treat effectively. The majority of centers that offer chiropractic or physiotherapy treatments cannot treat or diagnose the actual cause of pain. Well, that will not happen when you opt for our focused treatments for Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction. We are the premier spine and joint treatment center in town. Our methods of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction treatments work even when others fail.
In our center, a non-operative clinical team will see you and get you back without the need for drugs or surgery. Chiropractic care and physiotherapy have been the most effective therapeutic methods for those who suffer from Jaw Pain. In our center, chiropractors and physiotherapists work side-by-side, so you get better faster.
The next section will break down and organize the jaw joint structures and components into different categories. To begin with, we deem it necessary to start with the joint capsule of the TMJ.
The Jaw Joint, Articular Disc & Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction
- The Joint Capsule: The TMJ capsule is a fibrous membrane encompassing the Temporomandibular Joint in its entirety. This fibrous layer attaches to the articular eminence as it surrounds the joint. Coincidently, the articular disc of the TMJ owes its‘ rise to this membrane. The Joint Capsule envelops the entire joint. It is the outermost soft-tissue component of the Jaw Joint.
The unique feature of the TMJ is the articular disc. The capsule has significance in many respects, but the most important of these is that the Articular disc is the fibrous extension of the capsule.
- The Articular Disc: The disc is composed of fibrocartilagenous tissue, much like the ear’s firm and flexible elastic cartilage. The articular disc lies between the two bones that form the jaw joint (temporal bone and the mandible).
The articular disc is the most important anatomical structure found in the TMJ. The disc is biconcave to accommodate the sliding action between the two bones of the jaw. The articular disc is firm and appears round to oval in shape. Malfunction, slippage, or trauma to the articular disc can result in varying degrees of TMD. If you have a jaw dysfunction, we can help. Don’t ignore or neglect jaw pain. Let our experts treat your jaw pain and Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction today.